2.5 days to NaNoWriMo

Oct 29, 2006 10:52

November is National Novel Writing Month and I wish it would get here already because I'm itching to write, and I can't start on the story I am writing until then (until then, I can only do "research" and "planning"). Argh. Grrr.

If you are doing NaNoWriMo, you need to get your supplies soon if you haven't already-- notebook, pen, unnecessary writing books, coffee and snacks, a mongo alarm clock to wake your ass up in the morning after writing all night, money to pay your friends to record LOST and Battlestar Gallactica for you while you exit from society for 30 days. And it’s a good idea to download a NaNoWriMo tracking spreadsheet, like the one you can find here: http://www.truckpoetry.net/resources.php -- this is an update of the original spreadsheet created by Erik Benson.

2.5 days to NaNoWriMo. If you haven't signed up yet, go to NaNoWriMo.org and get registered.
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