& it's a great day to be alive

Feb 05, 2008 00:04

Oh my fucking God. I finally met her. I did, I did. Kate Walsh, I love you like no other.

When we walked into the bar, I thought Daphne was saying something about the way I was dressed, but no...she was trying to inform me that Kate Walsh was having a drink next to me. Guh. But I was on my way to pick up my ticket, so I didn't look again.

I have not laughed for an hour and a half straight in...I guess forever? Everyone was so hilarious. Kate was the host the first act so she told personal stories (the heatstroke wedding one of course...and a morbid/sad/yet funny story about her dad getting cremated). The second act she did improv! I'll upload the videos I took of the show when they're emailed to me.

Angela Kinsey is adorable, I have to admit. I had not the slightest clue who she was, but she kept talking to us afterwards and she's a cutie. Now I know what I'll look like pregnant, being so short.

This cute guy ended up standing next to me at the bar both times I ordered drinks and would make small talk with me. He was the first guy Kate ended up going up to and hugging afterwards....but of course. Daphne had to break the ice for me (she was just standing there talking to him and no one was going up to her) and mentioned how she interned at Grey's and then mentioned that I wanted to meet her and she was my favorite or something along those lines. So I went up to her and dittoed that and asked if I could take a picture (which I never do - except with Mariska). I mentioned how she was so tall and I was so short so she shrunk down and I put my arm around her -*dies*- and then apparently she put her hand on my shoulder (thank God for the picture). She touched me....that's all I'm thinking....

During the show I remembered that I had made the Kiwi video and cracked myself up....and turned bright red.

I told just_believe afterwards, "I remembered I made a sex video of her and died." Oh yeah, and walking to the car, I looked at the picture of us...and then I walked straight into a pole.

And, can I just say, Mo Collins is AMAZING (not that I ever doubted it before). I took a picture with her too - which I'll get from cathartic_prose.

improv, pure bliss, kate walsh

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