Title: Strike a Pose Pairing: SooTae Rating: G Word count: 344 Author's note: Inspired by my icon because it's the cutest photo ever. And I love awkward!Taeng.
I've never written crack, actually. I think I tried once but it ended up being too logical to be cracky. I guess my mind doesn't let me go there. HAHA.
I love you so much for writing a SooTae. XD It's hard to come across these days, and I felt like I was the only one writing SooTaes. I LOVE THIS AND YOU. X'DD
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I've never written crack, actually. I think I tried once but it ended up being too logical to be cracky. I guess my mind doesn't let me go there. HAHA.
Love your icon, by the way!
( Just find taetea on asianfanfics! )
And yup, it's based on the DP.
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And yeah, there definitely isn't enough SooTae out there...
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