Title: No Time For Wolves
girlupnorthRating: strong PG-13
Pairings: Jon/Sansa; Petyr/Sansa; Jon/Daenerys
Disclaimer: A song of ice and fire belongs to George RR Martin, and I am not making any profit off this story.
Length: 2,192 words (~19,000 total)
Spoilers: Including A Feast for CrowsSummary: In which Sansa is ambiguous
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Comments 9
Poor Jon though, he is no good at this game.
Like you said, Jon is a little too similar to his uncle. I have some hope for him, though - he may yet learn.
1. Tresc
a) opinia: bylo fajne.
b) mocne strony: Jon (fajny), Sansa (fajna)
c) podsumowanie: Jon, ktory wciaz lekko Starkuje! Sansa, ktora cieszy sie planowaniem swojej partii w grze! can't wait for the epilogue ;)
2. Żądanie: FIREFLY.
She's good at compartmentalization, isn't she? Obviously. And it's almost painful, just how good a player she has become, and the relationship with Petyr is outside my comfort zone also because of that element - easier for me to read Wesley/Illyria unhealthiness than this particular one.
I love the idea of Sansa plotting to befriend Dany in here.
I also really enjoy how she leads Jon to decisions she wants him to make (it's not easy. he can be thick sometimes ;P)
I really like this fanfiction, late as I may be commenting.
And I think that Petyr/Sansa has the edge over Wesley/Illyria in that in the latter Wesley will always be, at a certain level, deeply unhappy, and I believe that Sansa will find herself some happiness.
Plotting!Sansa is love, isn't she? :D
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