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Feb 20, 2011 11:31

NAME: Dalrint
AGE: Old.
JOURNAL: dalrint But I never use it.
IM: AIM: Farobservr
E-MAIL: Mm. Livejournal email works fine.
RETURNING: Misfit, Annabeth, Kimiko, Eleanor

FANDOM: Marvel Comics, X-men
CHRONOLOGY: Shortly after when Logan kicks her out of X-Force after Second Coming
CLASS: Hero. Mostly.


When a secret organization attempted to recreate the Weapon X program using a damaged sample of Wolverine's DNA, the end result was X-23, a female mutant with all of Wolverine's abilities. She was trained to be an assassin, had her mutant powers activated through a series of intense radiation treatments, and then had her newly manifested claws removed and laced with adamantium while under no anesthetic.

It was not a happy childhood, to say the least.

She was conditioned to respond to a chemical that would cause her to go into a berserker rage whenever she smelled it, killing anyone nearby. This was used to punish her by causing her to kill her master, the man who had been training her to fight and the only figure on the base that really treated her like a person and not a weapon. X then went one to assassinate government leaders, mob members, and anyone else that could afford the projects exorbitant fee.

Her mother was one of the of the project leads, though as X-23 got older the woman became less and less motivated towards the project. When things began to fall apart, and X-23 was used as a pawn to eliminate the old leader of the project so another could take over, her mother decided she had to smuggle her out of the compound, and destroy pretty much everything in it along the way. Between her and X, they managed to wipe out most of the staff before escaping.

But her mother had been laced with a chemical that caused X to go into a berserker rage and kill everything around her...and she killed her mom. With her dying breath, her mother named her Laura Kinney.

Laura ran, escaping the Facility, and went to her mother's aunt's home, and her cousin Megan, a girl she had rescued years before at her mothers command from a pedophile. She stayed there only a short time, but she adored her temporary family, and Megan's way of 'being a teenager' rubbed off on her, especially her taste in clothing.

But the Facility eventually caught up to them, and nearly tricked Laura into killing her family with the chemical scent trigger. Luckily she was stopped, and she managed to smuggle her family away using false passports her mother had originally made for her, and a large stash of her money.

And then she went looking for Wolverine. He was the one that had started everything, in her mind, and so if she killed him, and herself, then the Weapon X program would really be gone. He managed to talk her down, giving her a letter that he had been holding for her from her mother. After a run-in with Captain America, Laura was back on her own again.

She ended up on the streets in New York, where she fell in with a terribly bad crowd. A pimp found her, and shortly thereafter she wound up as a torture-fetish prostitute. This lasted a few months, before one of her regular customers killed himself in front of her. She would've been gunned down by her pimp, thinking that she had killed the man, except that the time-manipulating runaway mutant named Kiden. Along with another shape-shifting mutant and a high school teacher, they managed to escape the city. Laura left them shortly after.

She took odd jobs after that, one of which resulted in a murder that attracted the attention of the X-men. After a standard 'heroes meet and fight' she wound up tagging along with them for a few missions before she disappeared again.

After M-day, Laura kept her powers, and Wolverine called her back to the institute to join the newest class of X-men. It was a strange experience for her, being surrounded by people her own age, but she muddled through as best she could. She made a few friends, as well as she could, in Mercury and Dust, and developed a bit of a crush on Hellion, though she mostly just tried to ignore it.

She wound up in most of the adventures the X-men went on through the attacks from Sentinals and Hope being born and taken into the future. Eventually she was drawn into X-Force, a down and dirty 'get the job done' squad of X-men intent on hunting down their new enemies before they had a chance to hurt the few remaining mutants. The team was a secret, and she took it very seriously, almost killing herself to destroy the Legacy Virus at one point. And she killed a lot of people. And traveled through time! Twice!

With the mutant society moving to Utopia and Hope and Cable returning from the future, and the death of Bastion, Cyclops dissolved X-Force. Wolverine planned on keeping it going, but he kicked Laura off, intent on not 'using her' anymore. He told her she'd have to decide what she wanted to do, but he wasn't going to let her murder for him anymore.

A few days later, still trying to figure out what she could possibly want to do, she ends up in the City.


Before anything else can be said about Laura, the fact that she is an assassin has to be mentioned. She is a killer, she sees killing as a means to an end and a solution to problems, and has no moral obligation against it. Does she know it's horrible? Yes. But that doesn't in any way change her attitude towards doing so. While she has not killed anyone 'good' in several years, the murder of a criminal, or especially anyone in a situation similar to the people who created her, is not something she will ever feel bad about. She is a killer.

Beyond that, Laura's personality can really be divided into two 'subsections.' Not seperate personalities, just two very different ways of thinking, nearly seperate from each other. There's 'Mission Laura' and 'Social Laura.'

When on a mission, when given an order, Laura is almost impossible to distract from her task. She will do whatever it takes to finish her instructions, be it slaughter a compound full of soldiers, or hurling herself into a vat of molten lava to destroy the legacy virus. She's extremely rational in these situations, and can relay detailed answers about the situations she is in and her emotional and physical states during them. As a child she would do these missions unquestioningly, but with the X-men she will at least ask why when she is given an order that does not make 'sense' to her. And she will argue with one that she feels is foolish.

Social Laura, on the other hand, spends a lot of her time puzzled. She doesn't really understand people, their motivations, their needs, any more than she understands her own needs, so she spends a lot of time watching them and studying them and being confused by them. She has a habit of getting attached to people, something she doesn't even seem to realize is happening, made very obvious by her connections to Wolverine, Hellion and Mercury. She's extremely loyal to the people she cares about, even if she doesn't really understand why, and will go to any lengths to make sure they are not harmed.

She's also a bit lost in situations she can't control. When she has an enemy to fight, a mission to fulfill, she knows every action she needs to take, but when say, Julian got his hands cut off fighting the Nimrod Sentinals, Laura just sat by his bed, completely lost. Emotions confuse her, and she tries to avoid them. When she can't, she doesn't really know how to handle them.

When she's stressed out by something, something she doesn't understand or can't control, she cuts X's into the underside of her left forearm with the claws of her right hand. She cuts these often enough that they are there despite constant rehealing. It's a coping mechanism, though not a very healthy one, that she doesn't even realize she is doing half the time. It just makes it easier for her She has been doing this since a very young age, since cutting herself was the only thing she had any control over during her time in the Facility.

Laura is very bad at making decisions outside of a mission environment, and a recent command by Wolverine to 'decide what she wants' has left her a bit lost about the whole thing. She doesn't know what she wants, and she has no real idea where to even start. But she's trying.


Strong Healing Factor: Laura has an almost identical version of Wolverine's healing factor. It can heal significant damage, such as growing back an amputated limb, head to toe burns, guns shots to the head. However, it is not as strong as Wolverine's, and when she sustains enough injury it will not be able to save her, unlike him. If she got caught in a massive explosion that rended the flesh from her bones, she'd die.

Claws: Laura has adamantium laced claws, two in each hand and one in each foot, that can be retracted and shot out at will. This is a mutation that has been enhanced with metal, but is not restricted by power-dampening abilities. If she's being dampened, she can still use her claws, but she won't heal.

Senses: Laura has enhanced senses of sight and smell, capable of tracking people over great distances and seeing things much farther away than a normal person.

Training: Laura was trained to be the worlds greatest assassin. She is acrobatic, athletic, at the peak of trainable agility and strength. She can play-act into a scenario, pretending to be an injured little girl or a student or someone's daughter to get close to her target. She speaks at least three languages (English, French and Japanese), and has been thoroughly educated in the history of warfare and tactics.

Berserker: This is more of a weakness, but when exposed to a very specific chemical scent, Laura goes into a blackout rage, and she kills anything the smell is on. It doesn't matter if their someone she cares deeply for, she has no control over her actions.



[When the camera clicks on it shows the ceiling of the porter room and a small, black-haired girl with bright green eyes, holding it loose and near her side, angeled up towards her. In the background the Porter is droning on through it's welcome speech and explanations, though if Laura is listening to it, there's no sign of it.]

[She glances down at the camera for a moment, her eyes narrowed, and then looks away, the screen wobbling as she moves through the porter building to the front doors and looks out. After watching the traffic and observing the people outside she closes the door and looks back at the camera.]

This is X-23. I have been...displaced. The computer here is informing me this is another dimension.

[From her tone of voice, she does not seem to believe it.]

If there are any X-men monitoring this, I am attempting to return to Utopia.

[After another moment she clicks the phone off just as she's pushing the door open to go outside.]


Laura shifted her feet absently back and forth as she sat in the small computer cubicle in the public library, a frown on her face. Despite what she had been told...told by people she trusted, frankly...she still did not quite believe this was another dimension. Not that such things were impossible, of course, she'd read enough X-men mission logs to know that. But still. She hadn't really believed it until right now.

There were no references to Utopia anywhere on the internet. A Google Maps search of the waters where Asteroid M should have been revealed nothing. Empty ocean. It really was another dimension.

The thought was almost...freeing, in a way. Granted, she'd been told she'd been here before, which was unsettling enough since she didn't remember it, but...she had no real past here. No legacy of hundreds of assassinations hanging over her head. No Weapon X flunkies and would-be's hunting her down to create an army or turn her back into a monster. Or hurt her friends.

There were downsides of course...many of them. She knew almost no one here, though she'd dealt with that before, and there would presumably be no missions in the near future. Not that she could have expected much back home either, given Logan's recent demand that she choose for herself.

...Maybe she could do that here?

She reached out and shut down the browser, clearing her search history out of habit before she grabbed her phone and started out of the library. If she was stuck here, she had to re-establish a connection with the people she did know. After that, well...

She'd think about it when she had to.

Is there anything else about your character that you feel we should know, that isn't covered in any of the earlier sections? This field is optional.
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