i'm gonna try the 100 things i'm thankful for. thanks to
rubs for the idea.
so... THINGS I AM THANKFUL FOR... in no particular order.
1. Dave Matthews Band
2. pillows
3. Malibu
4. bite-size snickers
5. Bisquik
6. my family
7. my computer
8. Chick-fil-a
9. money that puts me here (in college)
10. Sublime
11. Amy (even though she is FUCKING whistling)
12. chicken
13. my mother. (who gave me all those recipes in my head)
14. my mother. (who loves meeeeee)
15. skirts
16. swing dancing
17. my friend Lisa, who likes to swing dance
18. my friend Kim, who is moving here!
19. water
20. movies
21. words
22. my absolutely weird and off-the-wall friendship with Amy
23. poems, and expressing myself through them (roses are red, violets are blue, life sucks, and so do you!)
24. punk music
25. punk concerts (LTJ, come to town!!)
26. cameras
27. my dad (who loves to talk serious with me)
27a. my dad (who loves to mess with my head)
28. pictures
29. clothes
30. walmart
31. food
33. livejournal
34. word processors
35. books
36. Toby Maguire
37. John Irving
38. dancing (wow, took to 38 to mention dancing)
39. dancing only gets me in trouble.
40. punk boys, yum
41. boys who love to talk
42. my sisters who tell me i'm fine
43. cigerrettes
44. walking on campus at night
45. dancing with the lights down and my door shut very securely and the music up very loudly
46. NOT my scale
47. did I say snickers?
48. screwdrivers
49. Christmas
50. iron
51. my health
52. rainy days
53. little red heads in shades, who say aunt katie aunt katie!
54. my bed (w/o my roommate in it)
55. Sara (who gives me clothes and drugs, haha)
56. humour
57. spell check
58. lotion
59. lotion
60. my car (i luv my car)
61. happy thoughts, like rain and ice cream
62. la clase de espanol
63. anything that writes
64. cats
65. COFFEE!!!
66. coffee shops who don't take themselves too seriously
65. anyone who is willing to hire me
68. hahahahah, the ability to count backwards
69. friends who call me to hang out (and don't hate me for being lazy hehe)
70. anyone who is willing to give me advice without being offended if i dont take it
71. incense
72. Sacred Grounds
73. games and fun people who play them
74. having something to do other than getting wasted
75. little kids who draw me pictures
75a. big kids who draw me pictures
76. tea
77. a good night's sleep
78. cookies just cool enough to eat
79. the feeling of being fresh out of the shower with shaven legs
80. boys who know how to dance
80a. boys who are willing to learn how to dance
81. catch-22
82. a good conversation
83. my sister Becca and her hugs
84. Jay and his laugh
85. the stars
86. Barnes and Noble
87. the Humphreys. All of them.
88. a good teacher
89. pianos
90. kittens
91. mustangs
92. Toledo Muesum of Art
93. the gardens outside of the art muesum in Tampa
94. Law and Order
95. Ed, Edd, and Eddy
96. D&S, who are getting so old!
97. a blank piece of paper, a pen that works and a good surface to write on
98. hot chocolate and pepperment
99. skechers
100. love. not the i-love-you-i-wanna-fuck-you kinda love, but the oh-my-god-nothing-can-go-wrong kinda love.