If the moon were brighter, I would actually show this to my mom.
My parents have been married for a very long time. And not in that cute, 50th anniversary and they're-still-so-much-in-love way. It's been 37 long years for my parents. I've never asked my mom about dating my dad, but I would imagine she'd say, "Oh, it was so long ago." I did actually ask her how they had met, and she said something about mutual friends. She had this look, and I'm sure that when she met my dad she had no idea he'd give her four children, who in turn would give her a litter of grandkids. I can see her- in her mid-20's, out with her friends, going over to someone's house, playing cards, smoking cigerettes, drinking, talking, laughing. Someone intorduces her to this happy, funny man, who smiles at her and acts silly and absolutely wins her over with his wonderful charm. I know they had the same goals- settle down, have kids, raise them and carve out a living like their parents had. So, thirty-some years later, with her youngest daughter asking her about it, I'm sure my mother had no idea the years would be like what they were. The morning newspapers, the babies, the arguements, the dinner parties, the friends, the trips, the moves, more babies, more arguements, dead pets, dying parents... Who can remember those first moments when you roll your eyes and laugh and joke and kiss and dance? That was the look in my mother's eyes when she smiled at me, her cute, I'm-smiling-but-you-haven't-won-me-over-yet smile that I'm sure my dad got a lot. Who knows if my dad ever did really win her over, or if the years have been too hard on her. I guess all the way from the very beginning, the "Stevi, this is so-and-so's buddy Jack..." to my parent's youngest granddaughter, I guess it was all worth it.