1293. Tyler Hilton

Apr 28, 2008 21:31

Best Tyler Hilton Concert Ever. Seriously. The only thing that could have topped this would've been to sing with him on stage.

I'm crazy and always have wanted to be first in line and first at the concert. So yes we (Rebecca/Dad/myself) pull up to 3rd & Lindsley's around 4 o'clock....2 hours before the doors open. And everyone is unloading their vehicles and walking into the side entrance. We are seated in the truck, having panic attacks. We keep seeing Tyler sitting outside the building fumbling around on this red guitar. We see Sean Mccollum walking around getting instruments.

We made a pack to start forming a line at 4:45. 4:45 came around and we made our way to the front of the building, being the first ones in line! Ahh Psyched! We wait around and make our happy dance video. About 5:25 these two girls finally showed up, they both kept asking us about our Tyler Hilton love blah blah blah. I came off as a crazy stalker, CRAZY stalker, I admitted to white page searching him/seeing him for the 4th time, and other antics. I hated how I sounded but I couldn't stop the words from coming out.

Finally more people start to show up and a true line begins to form. Of course homeless people talk to us. Makes me sad :[. But then thats Nashville.

We are the first group in and take our table right smack dab by the stage in the middle by the microphone. Seriously so close our feet were on the speakers. It was amazing. Omg. Completely worth the 2 hour wait.

Get our food. MMM tasty. Chips and Salsa. Amy Kuney goes on. Truly an artist. She's witty and dry, and her music is so catchy and her lyrics are over taking. Here's a youtube video you should watch of her:

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After her Sean plays and tis singing his heart out. During one of the breaks Rebecca and I were going to steal borrow a poster of the show that was posted on the bulletein board. Yeah he totally caught us with our hands in the cookie jar.

Whenever Sean was done, Tyler comes right by me to get up on the stage, I move my chair and apologize he says no problem. When went to the restroom again, when we got back I noticed a guitar pick on the ground near my seat. It has WB logo on it and has definetly been used. I believe it is his. So I have his guitar pick! Yahoo!

He starts to sing and all through the set he makes dead eye contact with me. Not obvious. But total eye contact. He jams his way through incredible music, and some new songs as well. Once the radio show stops, he continues to perform for about 30 minutes extra. It twas amazing. I wish I could think of a better word to describe it besides amazing. But it was umm amazing.

Afterwards Tyler heads off stage with guitars in hand, Jaco comes by us and I was like 'Jaco!' And he was like 'WHATS UP?' and i was like 'Hey can I have the set list?' and he was like 'SURE! Just grab it.' and i was like 'Sweet! thanks' and Rebecca and I split it in half. And its amazing. <3.

Then we met him. Told him that we loved him in Charlie Bartlett, told him about those dirty words. He replied with shit...dirty words and boobs, thats what you get from an R rated movie. And we told him we dug his mtv hitlist, and that carrie underwood makes us feel sassy too. I asked him to throw up a peace sign in our picture together.

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If that's the last time I ever see him, I will die a happy and satisfied loyal fan.
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