Title: Chiot & the animals
millakokujo &
yuumeichanCharacter(s) or Pairing(s): Germany/France
Rating: G & R
Warnings: Bare legs!
Summary: Our Chiot (puppy in french) at his first meeting with France after the WWII and a sketch with Germany as a German Shepherd and France as a cute kitty.
Want to see my cute chiot? )
Comments 5
A-and.. the puppies.. *nosebleeds a little* Y SO CUTE
You need to draw Gilbo and Tonio too. ;_;
Chiot~ wan~
I'm colouring 'em.
so they're still hating each other a little.
We just imagined they had these meetings frequently, and then got married only for the economical benefits and the stability the alliance could have brought.
BUT. After, they fell in love
That is sooo that.
Perfect, just perfect.
France looks like a girl haha XD
I didn't really understand what that "puppy" thing is, but whatever ^^;
The colouring is beautiful !
and also because he's younger than France
And thanks~!
Ups sorry my style always tries to make France look like a girl sobbb ;_;
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