Floating around and Old Fics

Aug 04, 2009 11:45

So, I'm up here at Tim and Jason's just chilling, eating a poptart right now because I'm hungry and they're DELICIOUS.  XD

Anyway, since there's not much to do until Tim gets back from work, I thought I'd gank the meme from Cee and Steph, and so I have!!!

List the first lines of your last twenty stories. See if you find any patterns.
(only instead of 20, there's only 13 stories on my ff.net, and I'm not at home to get the other old ones off my compy, so yea.  13 it is!!)

1.  "Oh! I have an idea!"

2.  Chilly...a little brisk, but I like it.

3.  Sasuke didn't dare breathe.

4.  In the eight years of Naruto's life, he had come to a conclusion.

5.  Pain...that's all he could feel.

6.  Iruka stared down at the petite form of the newborn, safely tucked inside a bright, thick orange blanket, almost with a sense of disdain.

7.  A loud, boorish growl, erupted from Naruto's stomach.

8.  The Silver Leaf festival had always been a sizable celebration in Konoha.

9.  Gaara listlessly stared up at the ceiling, watching the fan spin around, sending a gentle, cool breeze down to his face.

10.  It was an average day for the Juvenile Orion gang.

11.  "HA CHOO!"

12.  The snow danced through the air, leaving a beautiful coat of white all over Konoha.

13.  “FLARJELKFCOIDJFE HIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!”  (so it's not the first line in the fic, but it's my favorite XD)
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