Title: LAUGHS Pairing: YokoMaru Rating: PG-13 Genre: drabble, fluff Summary: Yoko thinks that Maru's laughs are annoying but also cute Disclamer: i don't own any of the boys, Johnny Kitagawa owns them
Hi deeear! I'm bored and I so wanted to do something, so I happened on your LJ! xD Yaaaay! I didn't comment here yet, so here I am...
but i think that maybe if he get what he wants he'll give me some food, so i do as he said. I loved that line, do you remember? I started to laugh in the middle of the class I think! xD Bad thing.. We don't write this kind of things during classes anymore, but.. I miss doing it, don't you?
Junno always makes something that makes me so hard that it almost hurt if i don't release myself within two second ahahah, koki's so cute!! I have to write another oneshot about him... I miss him so much. Hope they'll release a dvd about the n.m.p. tour soon...
Finally Junno changed in something less sexy. ahahah, repeating myself, this is just TOO cute. Waaah, I miss KAT-TUN!! And Jin as well.... T.T
I bothered you again, I'm so sorry... But I read and figured out I didn't here (but only on jent) and I SO wanted to! ^-^
i'm really glad you liked it!!! i really wanted to write yokomaru and hinamaru fanfics, because there aren't many but i really like this pairing (well, i like maru with every one of kanajani xD)
thank you for reading and commenting!!!
i'll continue to write, i just have to find time (well, it's not so difficult, because the main thing that could take away some of my time from writing is school, but usually i write when i'm at school, so technically the problem doesn't exist xD)
Comments 4
thank you for sharing
but i think that maybe if he get what he wants he'll give me some food, so i do as he said.
I loved that line, do you remember? I started to laugh in the middle of the class I think! xD Bad thing.. We don't write this kind of things during classes anymore, but.. I miss doing it, don't you?
Junno always makes something that makes me so hard that it almost hurt if i don't release myself within two second
ahahah, koki's so cute!! I have to write another oneshot about him... I miss him so much. Hope they'll release a dvd about the n.m.p. tour soon...
Finally Junno changed in something less sexy.
ahahah, repeating myself, this is just TOO cute.
Waaah, I miss KAT-TUN!! And Jin as well.... T.T
I bothered you again, I'm so sorry... But I read and figured out I didn't here (but only on jent) and I SO wanted to! ^-^
Love you my dear *hugs*
See you soooooooooon! ^v^
You did IT, YOKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaa and you'll be such a NICEEEEEEEEEEEEE couple!!!!! *gah i want to be maru...TT^TT
To MaruHina fic:
YEAH it must be sweet!!!!! And the second one also nice!!! Thank you for sharing and please keep writing, neeee <333
thank you for reading and commenting!!!
i'll continue to write, i just have to find time (well, it's not so difficult, because the main thing that could take away some of my time from writing is school, but usually i write when i'm at school, so technically the problem doesn't exist xD)
thank you again!! see youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ~~♥
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