Title: Halloween Night
Pairing: YokoMaru
Rating: nc-17/R
Genre: smut
Disclaimer: i don't own the boys
Summary: It was a dark halloween night and a blonde girl was walking all alone towards an huge mansion in the counrtyside. But you have to know that she wasn't a real girl... Ok, i suck at summaries. And this is almost a pwp so this is all i can think
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Comments 10
That was really hot...>_< *needsice* *needstocooldown*
Thanks for writing this my dear *bighugs* *hugshugshugshugs*
i'm glad you liked it!! ^-^
see you, my dear~♥
[sorry i was late in replying but i couldn't use my computer 'till now!]
I hpe your computer is alright now?!
Ah, I just wanted to invite you: I have a request post, so if you want me to write something for you, just join. ^_^ (It's just a invitation, you really don't need to join if you don't want to)
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