31 Things About the Three Best Trick or Treaters of All Time.
1. Aside from Oogey Boogey, they occasionally work for the Farmer. He gives them left overs from animals he slaughters. Hides and bladders make great slingshots. They also work for Jack, of course, but less often then the Farmer.
2. They get along easiest with individuals that they believe they can manipulate, whether adult or child.
3. They are willing to follow directions. If there's something in it for them. Or if they're scared into it. But they'll follow said directions in their own special way regardless.
4. Shock likes the hard candy with a chewy center best, Lock likes the sweetest candies and Barrel loves anything covered in chocolate.
5. Food, other than candy, is best when it has been either dead for about a week or fresh. Bleeding, preferably.
6. Ed is not Barrel's girlfriend, Lock wants very much to find Miss Edith again and Shock... isn't saying a word.
7. If they were normal children: Shock would wear pink overalls with mary-janes and have braids. She'd love to be a doctor when she grows up and live in a big house in New Hampshire. Lock would wear snappy trousers with a clean green shirt and loafers and have short hair that is combed back and held in place with gel. He would be an architect and live in a cottage by the sea. Barrel would be playful and a little bit unruly in his look and demeanor. He'd wear jeans and a smudged t- shirt and have mussed up hair, no shoes. He would be bohemian, living in the wilds of some far off land.
8. They aren't exactly afraid of anyone in Milliways, exactly. They have a healthy unease towards Tim. Because he scares the $hit out of them.
9. Of Trick or Treat, Lock likes Trick and Barrel prefers Treat.
10. Shock IS the leader. She is the level-headed one.
11. If Lock had one wish, everything and everyone he doesn't like would burn and die. Slowly. If Barrel had a wish, he would like the ability to talk to bugs. Shock would ask for Lock and Barrel to become girls.
12. Shock owns three dolls. Wither, Haggatha and Hain. Haggatha is a boy doll and the other two are girl dolls.
13. Barrel, if given toy cars, would play with them and make little revving noises.
14. Lock may very well grow up to be the next Lord Voldemort Oogey Boogey.
15. They are in fact, ageless. And they'll explain it, if they're not in a mood.
16. Barrel is a ghoul, to be specific. He claims he is a Skeleton because he wants to be like Jack. But don't tell his siblings. They'll tease him.
17. Shock has tried tiny spells, but they never work. And they probably never will.
18. Lock has always had a very intense passion for fire. When he's bored or in need of some thinking, he goes down to the pumpkin patch to set some gourds on fire. It's soothing to him.
19. They don't have parents. They don't know what parents are, and they don't particularily care. If they had to, they'd pick Death as a parent type figure. Or the Devil.
20. Lock sleeps on a tomb of stone. Shock sleeps in a regular bed and Barrel sleeps on straw.
21. They are self-reliant. they have to be, since they haven't ever had anyone to take care of them. They cook, clean (yes, clean) and do whatever else it takes to make their lives enjoyable.
22. Lock had a pet black widow once. It died. It somehow got flushed down the toilet after it bit Shock.
23. Shock is allergic to horse blood, Lock is allergic to livers of any kind, and Barrel is allergic to cotton.
24. Lock is the only one who has ever tried Yellow Jacket juice. Barrel is the only one to ever eat a booger, and Shock is the only one to ever openly admit that humans are okay.
25. Barrel would like a plunger for Christmas, now that he knows what it is. Lock would like a burning Sandy Claws. And Shock would like for it to be Halloween.
26. They do love eachother deeply. Deeply enough to kill or be killed for eachother. Just don't ask them to do it unless you're ready for a fight.
27. In Milliways, they know there are rules about fighting, so they don't. They figure that since no one has really done anything to warrant a smackdown, they'll take it easy. But they do wish they could fight someone.
28. Barrel still has some dead thingys from Tim's War. They're stuffed in a hole in the floor of their room.
29. They're still planning their tree fort in the Forest of Milliways and hoping to start construction soon.
30. They'd consider letting a few people in their fort, but they won't mention it unless it was pried out.
31. They would never admit it, but they like Milliways.
Oh, and.. Ask them anything! OOC, IC, OTHER C.