It's been a long while since I've posted, but I haven't given up on you yet LiveJournal.
Today's post comes courtesy of nosy neighbourlyness, or general thinking of thinks that oughtn't be thunk. We have a weasley little neighbourman - possibly the landlord of the building next to us - who always parks his hulking vehicle (what I like to call
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Comments 21
That is all.
You think? No, really...because I feel like a nosy old biddy neighbour jumping to conclusions here. Lots of people do weird and suspicious stuff all the time without it being illegal or wrong. Just, different.
But, you know, someone wrote that on his van.
What's the website where you can see a listing of sex offenders in your neighborhood? I'd check it never know.
If the kids of today will blow an old man for a carton of take-away, there is truly no hope for the world.
But then again, girls and boys in 80s Russia would blow an old man for a capful of vodka.
I know :(
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