Nov 17, 2009 22:25
Nakatsu Michael Tsuna Johji Ohno Nana Ebi MomijiOthello Farrel
I can show you the world; Abdullah Was it good for you; Takanari The pedobear is a warning sign; Muraki Don't try this at home kids; Ziva Blowing shit up with our minds; Kazuki, Ruka Incomingggggggggggggggggggggggg; Kamui New friends make for lots of fun; Mitsume Dragons and monsters and creepy things oh my; Kitchel Origami on parade; Taiki How do you draw a bloop; Tsukihiko, Hakuren What are you supposed to be; Glenda Zombie keep away; Vivi FEBRUARY:
So about that no sex rule; Barry Just like high school; Alice, Jasper That is a lot of candy; Riku Hold it with both hands; Klavier, Deb Are you cold; Frau Bigger badder people; Muraki Nothing better to do; Jennifer Daily doggy exercise; Artemis Throwing it fixes it; Frau When do you flip the cookies; Kitchel MARCH:
Kick the puppy; Zachariah, Frau Can I sleep with you; Barry Sitar jam session; Eclipse There is no exit; Alec Shark barf attack; Tsukihiko Unicoooooooorns; Ferdinand, Rika Late night fire alarm prank; KitchelHIATUS
It's raining lolis; Alice Camp so hilarious; Lorena Free ninja friend; NeijiGOD THIS HIATUS
Stop drop and roll; Kobato Lost my way; Ciel Cloaked figures; Fuckyoucult Camp is insane; Frau Zombie apocolypse; Ciel Some more s'mores; Juliet Silly shinigami; Grelle, Will Having fun; Konatsu Bed buddies; Grelle
Compensating swordsman; Hatter Compensating swordsman; Zidane JUNE:
Sexy not so secrets; Kaistern Roof jumping; Samidare One thing you miss; Hayate Sexual harassment; Fuuma, Fuuma Horsing around; Miranda No way out; Sookie Last man standing; Kouichi Fancy hat; Riddle Got a job to do; Rin, Shiemi JULY:
Summer cleaning; Ash, Tyki Mirror of Erised; Kaistern Happy anniversary; Kaistern Amazing world; Mikado It's quiet; Takanari Where are you from; Rita Kitty kity kitty; Eclipse Popularity contest; Grelle AUGUST:
Sewing kit stat; Catwoman Welcome back; Cross What don't you miss; Kino Zombie blood; Steve Summer homework; Kouichi Pretty damn sick; Remus SEPTEMBER:
Counseling fun time; Kaoru, Yuusuke, Acheron, Crow, Lelouch, Napoleon Tea party; Grelle Desires; Ciel Improvement or punishment; Envy Dead man floating; Ichiyou Study time; Accelerator Pillcakes; Juliet OCTOBER:
Slenderman; Arthur NOVEMBER:
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