
Jun 23, 2010 15:35

Just in advance...I'm picking Gerard back up right where I left him. Just let me know if he seems OPed at all, and I'll tweek his stats =)

Player Information
Name: Ali
Other characters played: Currently? None. Soon? Much more ;P

Character Information
Name: Gerard Arthur Way
LJ screen name: givethemxbloodx
AIM screen name: xwicketmasterx
Series: Bandom-My Chemical Romance
Requested Character: [No]
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Species: Fallen Angel
Side: [Good]
Powers/Advantages: Now that Gerard has his full abilities back again, he has near superhuman strength (but only if he concentrates), high levels of stamina, and can reach speeds (while flying) that rival jets. He has full healing abilities over his own body, though it still takes time to come into full effect, as well as minor abilities to heal others around him; though it does drain his own power. He has advanced weapons knowledge, and can create a sword made of pure light and energy when he needs to. His ability to create balls of light has increased, and they now can reach the heat intensity of being white hot.
Weaknesses/Disadvantages: Gerard has a horrible soft spot for his little brother, doing anything possible to make him happy, and keep him safe. He also has blenophobia (The fear of needles), and has a dependency on coffee to make himself function in the morning. He can be killed by a special holy knife being pierced into his heart, as well as if he is turned mortal once again. (A.K.A-if his grace is ripped out again)
City Life
Occupation: He currently runs Penny Lane when Zee is not around, as well as hosts art lessons every other night there, and does commission work.
Residing Quadrant: [South]
RP Sample: -Insert one of my multiple previous scenes with you here- =D
Brief History: Gerard was once stationed in heaven as a guardian angel, which suited him fine. Up until he failed in his mission, and the human he'd been watching over was killed by a demon(The human he was looking after was very dear to his heart, having watched them grow up, he had become quite attatched. As he did with most of the humans he'd looked after). Distraught, and no longer believing he was suited for being a guardian, he pleaded to be given the simple position of soldier. When he was not granted this position, and told there was a new human on earth he was to watch, Gerard had a fit. He claimed God cared little for his angels, or the humans they were sworn to protect, and tore out one of his wings.

When God did nothing to show he even remotely gave a damn about this, Gerard fell. But, rather then committing a sin to fall, he forced his fall by reaching into his soul and ripping out his grace.

By not falling properly, he was sent to earth, rather then hell, his soul bound to be reborn in the shell of a human.
Gerard lacks all his memories of being an angel, though he does retain some of his powers since his soul still holds a little of its holy light.
As of a few months ago, Gerard regained his memories and powers, as well as his wings (One of which is fake, bestowed upon him by Hephaestus)
As of early June Gerard, through odd circumstances, became in possession of his divine grace, and took it back within himself. This resulted in a full restoration of his memories, powers, wings (both), and immortality.
Play By: Gerard Way
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