Purse meme

Jul 02, 2009 09:06

Stolen from redappleskin: the contents of my bag for the day.

LEFT: My bag. Hoo boy, check out how faded that noise is! The color on the inside (up top) is what it came in, like half a year ago, and I've been using it pretty much every other day (at least) since. I like to think it makes me look like I'm so fancy I can wear out a Marc Jacobs bag no problem, but it probably just makes me look like the Classy Homeless.

RIGHT: My stuff...
01; the phone. I make calls and text and stuff.
02; carrying panda. Contains gum, condoms, cloves (which are like half a year old and I never smoke 'em), adorable panda lighter, and Advils.
03; GLORIOUS KEYS. Yes, that's a Stitch (of Lilo & Stitch) key cover you see. And a pocket watch. The orange guy is a carrying case for my Moo cards. Slick!
04; pencil case, matches with ophey's (though I've had this for like years and she's probably worn hers out already!). Contains pens.
05; girly stuff bag. Compact, tamponz, lotion, the lot.
06; CVS "DayQuil" because I am sick lately!
07; Rollbahn notebook. My green one was only part-way finished but it got covered in Coke&SoCo so I had to put it down. Sad face.
08; Book of the Now: Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto. It's really quite good! I need to read J books more often!
10; piggy handkerchief.
11; the iPod. Very important.
12; sunglasses for when it's sunny, and...
13; umbrella for when it's rainy, like it is right now, cats and dogs as a matter of fact, which means I get to rock my new bright yellow rain boots, yay ♥
14; NOT PICTURED the tumbler I'm going to be carrying around with tea in it; my camera. My camera comes pretty much everywhere with me.
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