first ange was sitting on her WICKED comfortable chair i mean woah man was it cool
then she decided to WHIP IT OUT (it being the guitar) because shes a real pro (seriously were in a band, called FALLING UP hahahahahhahahahahaha justkidding, but seriously...)
this was me just messing around with the camera....
they we played ddr for a wicked long time but then all of anges other friends and since nobody likes us we secluded ourselves and played UNO ATTACK (which is wicked cool by the way, even though we didnt know how to use the attacker thingy)
then Erica came and went to NEWBURY COMICS because uhmm were cool? when i took this picture erica though it was the PO-LEECE
ange and erica at dunkins aw
i bought the Chocking Victim - No Gods, No Manegers cd because im wicked cool like that, ange models it
Erica reading her pants book....PS: doesnt this picture look cool hahaha oh man im obbsessed with solarize mode
then ange got a cofee because we needed to stay up all night and oh man she added so many effing sugars
man that girl loves sugar, by the way as we were leaving dunkins we decided to be rebels and try and steal this syrup ontainer thi ng of CARAMEL so we could just eat it int he night and we got CAUGHT STEALING IT bye a COSTUMER and he was like "umm girls put that back, i think its time for you guys to goo...NOW" and ange was LAUGHING AND RUNNIGN AT THE SAME TIME and she was laughing so fucking hard that she PEED PER PANTS (im not even kidding, she really peed her pants it was awesome)
this isnt even all of the sugars she used....
THEN WE WENT TO WENDYS MY NEW FAVORITE PLACE and oh man i was OBBSESSED witht he guy that worked there JUST LOOK AT HIM he was such a stoner aw
this is nicole, nicole said those orange candy were real good, so i tried one, and they WERE NOT GOOD AT ALL they were actually wicked disgusting jeesh
hahahahahahahhHAHahahahahahahahahah ange put marker on her teeth because hahaha i dont even KNOW why but i was cracking up and oh man
THEN she proceeded to color her tounge ahahahahhahaha oh man we were cracking up for no reason for about 5756767 hours straight
THEN WE PLAYED DDR AGAIN HOLY JEEZE I LOVE DDR. haha and look at ange..she just looks like a pro ddr player, she even wearing a jacket that looks like a ddr player would wear haha and her SOCKS matched the ddr oh man ddr is so fucking cool you dont even know
then around 3AM we stopped playing ddr and talking to her big brother jon so we went to her room to watch GG Allin, as shown here, ange thought he was WICKED HOT
ps: then ange fell asleep FIRST while watching american beuty and we were both half asleep and said the most random thigns in the world
...then we saaw that ice cube movie ARE WE THERE YET and it was a little kid movie but me and ange were CRYING laughing at the wrong parts oh man that movie was outrageous
ange is such a swimming austin prep superstar
ange loves sunkist hahah and oh man JUST LOOK AT THAT TRUCK haha shes so obbsessed with orange soda that she even has ORANGE SODA PARAPHANALIA (i love that word, paraphanalia, even though i cant spell it but just say it oh man i love it)
this pictures so deep...thats why its in black and white...cause its so emotional and all
hahahahahahahahaha and then we dressed up anges pillow for no good reason, man that pillows such a slut
angela is such a gigantic loser i hate her fucking guts
in other news, on the way home from anges house sean and nutton picked me up and they smoked 3 bowels and oh man it took everything inside of me not to smoke i havnt smoke in a lot of months i think, thats real good.
but then..they stopped at Reading to buy some more pot...and this guy i know kyle was at the kids house. it was really random. but like i dodnt know we wernt there for too long, but me and kyle ended thigns on a good not or whatever like as a whatever happned forget it type of thing and lets just not be dumb and mean all the time. so im pretty sure that is the last time ill ever talk to him again, and im glad.
i think all bad situations should end on a good note? you know. because its just good i dont knwo if anyone knows what the hell im talking about nobody does (except maybe marsh and ange because they both speak my language)
AND THEN me and my bro went to BK and who did i see THERE...fuckin adam d. it was real weird and i dont know he made me feel real bad and like i dont know i was just realizing im not a good person and i dont know why people talk to me sometimes you know? but adams a nice kid and i dont know im such an asshole imnever going to not talk to anyone again.
i dont even feel like rereadingthis and deleting stuff because i dont care.
OK im REALLY not making any sense at all now im just tired and i didnt feel like thinking too much soooooo im going to stop talking right... now.