Title: Eden Type: Fanfiction, One-Shot, Crossover Rating: NC-17 Summary: Tony Stark has a mission to bring the Hulk into the fold. Of course, he's not about to do it the conventional way. Tony/Bruce
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I just HAD to friend tonyxall, btw. (Slutty xmas, HA!)
Tony is the best espionage agent for SHIELD ever. Any info they need, any coercion, can all be carried out using Tony's body. And he is strangely okay with that.
I love your Tony, but you knew that already. Seeing Bruce through Tony's eyes...I don't need another man in my life right now, but damn! Love him too. The details about their dinner, the ride. Not sure why but this: They were like that, Bruce looming over him, cock still in his ass, for long enough for Tony to get just a little uncomfortable. Maybe he should have let Bruce think about his girl. I really liked. I can see Bruce smiling (or Edward Norton, you know that smile)at the end.Thank you.
Comments 10
Oh, and you had me right here:
Tony, in turn, decided to do it in the way that would piss them off the most.
And I literally had to stop reading until I laughed this out:
he waiter - who knew him well enough to be confused by the lack of breasts on Bruce
Tony is the best espionage agent for SHIELD ever. Any info they need, any coercion, can all be carried out using Tony's body. And he is strangely okay with that.
Tony, in turn, decided to do it in the way that would piss them off the most.
I was like aweee you little slut. Tony makes me go aweee and then the words slut in some form normal follow. Its just awesome.
I loved it so much! <3
They were like that, Bruce looming over him, cock still in his ass, for long enough for Tony to get just a little uncomfortable. Maybe he should have let Bruce think about his girl. I really liked. I can see Bruce smiling (or Edward Norton, you know that smile)at the end.Thank you.
the waiter - who knew him well enough to be confused by the lack of breasts on Bruce
Oh how I laughed! :D
"Nope. Just a slut."
LOL.Seriosly dude funniset line ever. I love slut!Tony.
I made the mistake of reading this in the library and I almost got kicked out, thanks for that by the way. Seriousle though best fic ever.
You are a genius.
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