ok, so i know it's a few days later than i said it'd be but i had to recover from finals.
so the end of the semester was an interesting one. in everything but school, it was awesome. my friends are amazing, there's a new guy in my life who's absolutely wonderful, and life in general has me happy. it was a pretty good end to the marching season. no bowl game but that may be for the best. i'm fairly certain that if the band had to get on another bus, we'd hire and inspector to be there at all times along with a mechanic. we're not going through that again...
my friends=awesome. seriously. i don't know how but i keep getting people brought into my life who do nothing but change it for the better. katie, brian (my freshman): i don't think i'll ever be able to watch [adult swim] alone again without feeling there's something wrong. beta psi: you guys are amazing. you've been so understanding about my position/role in alpha gamma and you've also been fabulous friends. alpha gamma: i am so proud of you. there's been an amazing amount of growth this semester and i doubt that'll stop. i know it's been hard being a new chapter (especially at a school with a well established brother chapter) but i also know that we're up for it. megan: oh megan. what would i do without you? between the dancing, the work, colorguard, and grey's, it's a little hard being here without your smile. speaking of the colorguard: thank you so much for an awesome season. there was a lot of drama and whatnot but i'd say we pulled through ok. i'll be back next season for sure(hehe... i'll be back...).
as for the new guy... andy=amazing. seriously. the kid adores me, gives me whatever i want (within reason), let me borrow his laptop over break, and finds all sorts of little ways to make me feel loved, respected, and safe. i dunno how he does it. dunno how he puts up with me, come to that. but he does and i'm grateful. he's too good a guy to lose just because i can be too much of a bitch sometimes.
now then, school. school was a little strange. the semester started out as all do. getting to know the classes, the professors, finding my rhythm. then, it got crazy. not in a there-was-too-much-to-do way but in a wow-i-can't-believe-i'm-so-on-top-of-all-this way. seriously, my time management skills were amazing. my mother would have been proud had she seen them. grades were pretty good. not fabulous like high school but good enough that there would have been no complaints from the 'rents. now then, keep in mind, i've been in school almost continuously since mid-january. after i came back to school from thanksgiving break, i totally lost it. i was completely off my game all through finals and they SUCKED. i mean, wow. not good at all. my grades came out about as expected, though no where near as high as they were earlier in the semester. ah well. it doesn't look like it's going to affect anything too severely so i guess it's ok.
so now i'm home for break. i go back to kent on january 14th and i can't wait. don't get me wrong, i totally need this month to recuperate and all that. but being there definitely feels good so i'm totally cool with getting back there soon. hopefully, my family won't drive me too insane while i'm here. my brother comes back tomorrow but my parents leave on monday for a week so with any luck, that'll keep things quiet for a bit. after that, there are only two weeks left in break and my sister will be back in school and hopefully my dad will be back at work (long story, that'll be a different update).
looks like we're probably going to be getting one of the puppies from the breeder in columbus. we got some pictures the other day and have pick the one we would most likely get. the day i fly back to kent, my mom flies to columbus to see the dogs and hopefully a few weeks after that we'll have our new puppy. if we get the one we want, i'll be so happy. she's such a cutie!
on a completely random note, every year for hanukkah, my parents get me a calendar for the year. well, i'm pleased to report that this is the second year i have a happy bunny calendar. filled with new, mean things to say. good times. good times.
ok, i think that's all i was planning on updating about today. now that things have calmed down, i should be able to post more often.
much love, kids!