One Chance: justaotherwitch

Jun 08, 2011 06:13

Title: Go On Till You Come to the End
Author: justaotherwitch
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Brad/Nate
Word Count: 4900
Summary: There are a lot of things Brad is extremely good at. Relationships are not included among them.
Warnings: none
Notes: Many, many thanks to pjvilar for her above and beyond betaing right up until the 11th hour. Title comes from Alice's Adventures in ( Read more... )

challenge #1, challenge post, author: justaotherwitch

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Comments 22

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justaotherwitch June 9 2011, 01:11:02 UTC
Thank you, so much. :D


bgaleb June 8 2011, 16:48:25 UTC
"At some point you just have to believe."

I really love this story! It's so them and there is hope for the future!


justaotherwitch June 9 2011, 01:11:15 UTC
Thank you!


glitterglam13 June 8 2011, 17:07:17 UTC
This was lovely. I really liked the way the story flowed and how all the little details and moments told so much about Brad, Nate and their relationship.


justaotherwitch June 9 2011, 01:11:31 UTC
Thank you very much.


kahtyasofia June 8 2011, 18:46:39 UTC
This is probably the wrong way to express this but I'm not sure how else to do it - and my opinion may not count for shit with you - but I am so proud of you.

First, this is one of the most original ideas for a Brad/Nate 'beginnings' fic that we've seen in a long time. Brad's exploring of his own sexual identity is great. The best thing about it is you leave Brad without a label. He isn't tagged in some way, he doesn't self-identify as any one thing, he just realizes what he gets off on and who he's attracted to and goes on about his life. That is so realSecond, you have written a verbal conversation between two BAMFs that illustrates their deep emotional connection, but you did it with an economy of words and you kept them IC. That is so fucking hard to do and you did it. This story really needs to stand as an example to all the newbies on just how to do that type of thing ( ... )


justaotherwitch June 9 2011, 01:20:13 UTC
I am so incredibly flattered by this comment.

Especially since, when I realized I was writing a "beginnings" fic, I freaked out because I had no idea how they got together and had planned on only ever experiencing it through other people's fic. It's really great to hear that what I came up with rang true for you.

And yes, PJ is beta extraordinaire and I definitely would have given up on this without her help.

Thank you, thank you, so much. You made my day.


pommederis June 8 2011, 20:43:08 UTC
Great story. Poor fucked up Brad. Luckily, he's got a Nate.


justaotherwitch June 9 2011, 01:12:20 UTC
Luckily, he's got a Nate.
Life would be improved if we all had a Nate, I think.

Thank you!


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