Title: Love Will Lead You Home
Author: Glenda
Summary: Gwen Cooper doesn’t want to marry Captain Jack Harkness so she sends her cousin Ianto in her place. The only problem Ianto didn’t agree to help, and Jack is expecting a woman. What happens when things do go as planned? An AU that has a bit from everywhere most of it is my own creation but any
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Comments 8
In fact, share it around. Just kidding.
Can't wait to see where you go with this. I imagine Ianto will not be impressed.
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Poor hart, no one loved him at all.
I'll try and get a bit more figured out in the next couple of weeks. Poor Ianto still hasn't quite figured out what's going on yet.
I felt coming that sentence when as I advanced in the chapter. :-))))
I am pleased that Ianto was gagged and bound, at least he can prove his good faith.
Now I wonder how Ianto will react!
I love this story.
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