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Comments 608

On the Hillside glacial_queen February 1 2014, 07:35:12 UTC
If you want to take in the scenery, try to avoid the angry unicorns with pointy horns, try to hug the unicorns with pointy horns Momoko, please don't hug the unicorns, figure out what you want to do...whatever.

[Think of this as the arrive & mingle thread of a party thread? Only with worse decorations.]


Re: On the Hillside furnaceface February 1 2014, 08:05:16 UTC
//Good lord...//

The sky above wasn't blotted out with laughing Jhinka, and there was no smoke rolling in around them to herald a certain death to any who breathed it in, but what Jono found himself looking at now held shades of so many other Kaeleer nightmares. Brutal and merciless and unforgiving.

The moment he was given the okay to move, he was going to do exactly that.

Somebody was going to answer for this.


Re: On the Hillside genesishero February 1 2014, 08:13:21 UTC
Evan was too thrown by the carnage around him to do anything but stand and stare in shock while the unicorns attempted to beat down the shield that had been erected around the group. Tears threatened to roll down his cheeks, but he fought them back.

Why did something like this happen?

Why were people not happy until they had broken everything beautiful around them?


Re: On the Hillside not_a_parakeet February 1 2014, 08:19:29 UTC
Warren's one concession to needing to get dressed before coming here had been to throw on the pants that he'd snagged before running out of the bedroom back at the Hall. More importantly, he had his bladed sticks in hand, and he had his wings.

He remained silent as Saetan and Ladvarian negotiated with the unicorns, wings still tinted red with the blood of Glacia's war mantled behind him.

The moment the order was given, those wings were going to unfurl, and Warren was going to take to the sky.


For the Fighters glacial_queen February 1 2014, 07:36:11 UTC
Head off into any direction to team up with unicorns and other people and stop the bad guys!


Re: For the Fighters not_a_parakeet February 1 2014, 17:58:39 UTC
Warren circled overhead, bladed sticks held firmly in clawed hands as he sought out any survivors, any attackers, anything that anybody on the ground would need to be aware of. Occasionally, he would yell, and he would point, indicating a wounded unicorn for one of the healers to tend to.

He didn't imagine for an instant that his blood would work on Unicorns, and while he had some measure of first-aid experience, his real worth in these situations was in the air. Always in the air, swooping down like a bird of prey to deal with any who dared to be on the wrong side of this fight.


Re: For the Fighters genesishero February 1 2014, 18:25:09 UTC
Evan was a fighter. He was. He was a hero, and out there, all of those people who had done this... they were the villains. They were the dark things that crawled about in the night waiting for something weaker than them to let down their guard so that they could make sport of it, tear it apart, prove that they were better by being so, so infinitely worse.

And he was going to keep a cool head. He had to, because when he lost his temper, horrible things happened. Sceval didn't need wildfires and more death, and Evan... He wasn't a killer. Not like the man that had come before him ( ... )


Re: For the Fighters kaeleerans February 2 2014, 00:50:12 UTC
"Bloody Hell!" The male shrieked, flinging himself backwards, trying to get away from...whatever it was that was coming at him, all flame and lines and anger. He flung a bolt of Summersky at it, hoping to divert the attack if not kill it altogether.

Some Black Widow kind of Craft?


For the Healers glacial_queen February 1 2014, 07:37:10 UTC
You can head off with the fighters to provide on-the-go healing or stay here and have unicorns brought to you. There may also be "Quick, we need help" threads.


Re: For the Healers trigons_child February 1 2014, 17:15:16 UTC
Raven spent a few precious moments going down the hill to check the unicorns there, desperately hoping to find some that still lived, perhaps a foal whose mother had fallen atop him. She could feel no life. But there were others who could still be saved, and she hurried after the fighters to find them.


Re: For the Healers kindrednotkind February 1 2014, 22:50:19 UTC
*Maaaaamaaaaa!* A very small foal was wailing, trying to get its mother to her feet. She was lying on the ground, sides heaving, blood pouring from a slashes across her forelegs. *Mammmmmmmmaaaaaaaaa wake uuup! Please!*


Re: For the Healers trigons_child February 1 2014, 23:05:37 UTC
Hurrying to the unicorns, Raven knelt by the mother's side. "I am here with the Lady," she said quickly, radiating a pulse of comfort and calm to the foal. "I can help your mother. Do not be afraid."


For Other Things glacial_queen February 1 2014, 07:37:55 UTC
Because it's 2:30 in the morning and I've almost certainly forgotten things to add!

Feel free to make your own subthreads here.


Re: For FOOD heromaniac February 1 2014, 23:36:57 UTC
Taking a small moment to gather herself, Momoko was hovering in a clearing and going through her pockets for snacks. She always carried some, and now she needed the extra energy.

[Willing to share if you like candy and snack cakes!]


Searching for Lost Foals bitten_notshy February 2 2014, 03:22:41 UTC
After his run-in with the Terrelians, Jack moved a bit away from the fight to lick his wounds and catch his breath. He stumbled across a yearling unicorn hidden in a shallow dip in the land, and a shiver of a power unlike any he'd ever felt before went up his spine.

Instinctively, he knew not to trespass into that hallowed ground. The young unicorn watched him with terrified eyes as he circled around it, looking for wounds. He found nothing.

Hours more passed as he looked for any other foals who might be hidden away. It came to him slowly and dimly as he trotted across torn human bodies that any of the unicorns who had reached these places had, at worst, minor cuts or scratches.

He kept looking anyhow, ignoring the throbbing in his side, ignoring his thirst and the overwhelming stench of death in his nostrils.

He was very glad that wolves could not cry.


Searching for Jaenelle trigons_child February 2 2014, 03:48:29 UTC
Utterly exhausted from hours of healing, Raven wandered, almost in a daze, one thought in her mind. She had to find Jaenelle. She remembered Agio and what Jaenelle had done there. she didn't want to see that again -- or the same behavior from herself.

There were so many emotions around them that it was hard to sort out one person. She tried to clear her mind and reach out with her empathy to find a distinctive source of rage or sorrow, but she was so tired. So tired that she thought she was staring to see things, like the unicorn standing in front of her, who looked like she was made of moonlight and mist, with dark eyes as old as the land. It took her a minute to realize she could see through her.

"Are you...?" she said.


Jaenelle's Thread changeable_eyes February 1 2014, 07:39:20 UTC
Because she's off doing important Witch-y things


Re: Jaenelle's Thread changeable_eyes February 2 2014, 06:04:44 UTC
The unicorns hadn't cared what had happened to the bodies of the slain Terreilleans--except to insist that the intruders not remain in their land--but they had been vehement about not moving the dead unicorns. The Lady would sing them to the land, they had said.

Whatever that meant.

When Moonshadow was returned to the camp and twilight grew close, Jaenelle set her cup down and rose. "It's time," she said and walked into the closest stand of trees.


Re: Jaenelle's Thread hells_highlord February 2 2014, 06:09:22 UTC
Saetan was still enjoying Moonshadow and Mistral's reunion when he heard Lucivar gasp. "Lucivar?" he asked, turning to look at his son. "Lucivar?"

Lucivar's mouth hung open, his eyes fixed on the trees to Saetan's left--the trees Jaenelle had walked into a few minutes before.

Saetan turned--and forgot how to breathe.


Re: Jaenelle's Thread changeable_eyes February 2 2014, 06:18:10 UTC
Jaenelle wore a long, flowing dress made of delicate black spidersilk. Strands of cobwebs dripped from the tight sleeves. Beginning just above her breasts, the dress became an open web framing her chest and shoulders. Black Jewel chips sparkled with dark fire at the end of each thread. Black-Jeweled rings decorated both hands. Around her neck was a Black Jewel centered in a web made of delicate gold and silver strands.

It was a gown made for Jaenelle the Witch. Erotic. Romantic. Terrifying. Anyone sensitive to such things could feel the latent power in every thread of the gown. The Blood knew exactly who had created it: the Arachnians. The Weavers of Dreams.

Saying nothing, Jaenelle picked up Katien's horn and glided towards open ground, the gowns small train flowing out behind her.

The human mask dropped away and in the center of her forehead was a tiny spiral horn.


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