
Dec 13, 2007 06:52

Name: Robert Drake.
Alias/Nickname: Bobby.
Codename: Iceman.
Age: Fifteen [July 27].
Nationality: American.

Cyrogenesis: Bobby can generate subzero freezing energies that cool the air into ice structures. Bobby does not actually emanate cold, but rather absorbs and dispels heat.1
Ice form: Bobby can rapidly lower his body temperature to transform into an organic ice form with enhanced strength and durability.2 When in his ice form, Bobby has thermal vision.

Personality: Sweet, charming and playful, Bobby is the guy who will remain a boy at heart even when he's forty years old. His easy-going nature makes him fit in with most of the guys, and his relentless (almost to the point of ludicrousness) pursuit of 'the ladies' makes it difficult for them to begrudge him as well. Bobby is an optimist through and through, and will do everything in his power to brighten a sad friend's day. He's the guy that will grab your book and smirk at you as you chase him around the school simply because he's bored, but he's also the guy that gives it back to you in the end, simply because it's the right thing to do.

But despite having his heart in the right place, Bobby manages to get into more trouble than he can handle. To Bobby, life is about excitement, and if that means being reprimanded by Jean Grey one too many times, then so be it. Whether it be pick-up basketball, impromptu snowboarding or sneaking out with his friends in the middle of the night, he lives his life from one adrenaline rush to the next, as though life will pass him by if he sits still for too long.

Bobby may be average in a lot of aspects, but he has a clear sense of right and wrong. Popular or not, he will always come to the defense of the weak, even if the person doing the bullying is his friend. Bobby's moral convictions go beyond the schoolyard into the real world as well: let's just say that he has landed himself in serious trouble for protecting harassed mutants on more than one occasion. He knows that the Treaty of the Liberty Bell was meant to put an end to the fighting and the hatecrimes, but he refuses to make any promises to hold his punches if someone else strikes at him or his friends first.
Likes: Girls. His Powers. Girls. Basketball. Girls. Video games. Girls. Food. Girls.
Dislikes: Bullies. Assholes. Stalkers.

Family: William Robert Drake and Madeline Beatrice Bass Drake (parents).
History: Born in Long Island, New York, Bobby Drake grew up as a painfully normal kid. He had loving parents who provided him with a comfortable, middle-class home, taught him the difference between right and wrong, and encouraged him to find out which was which for himself. Bobby showed an acuity for physical activities at an early age, and his parents learned to accept their son's mediocre grade reports and focus on his victories on the sports field instead. Even though he was terrific at almost every sport he decided to try, a majority of the trophies on the mantle came from his two favorite sports: basketball and snowboarding.

Everything was going well in Bobby's world until the day the Brotherhood launched its attack. Prejudice against mutants cam flying out of the woodwork as people stopped trying to be politically correct, and Bobby had to take matters into his own hands several times to stop the quiet and 'weird' kids in his school from being beaten up. People responded to him when he asked them to leave the kids alone - Bobby was a good-looking athlete with a lot of friends, which in the politics of middle school meant he was always right.

But even though the world around him was changing, Bobby didn't become a part of the fight until later that summer, when random bullies decided to pick on his date because she was soft-spoken. Enraged at the poor girl's mistreatment, Bobby lashed out at the bullies, and accidentally encased the leader in a block of ice without meaning to. Local authorities threw Bobby in a detention facility, but word had already spread through town, and an bloodthirsty mob was on its way to take action against the 'dangerous mutant'. Luckily for Bobby, however, two of the X-Men got to the station before the mob did, and with a promise to take him to a place where he would be able to hurt no one else, managed to get him out in the nick of time.

Bobby has been at Xavier's since the summer of 2005, and it has become his home in every way. He keeps in regular contact with his parents and they come to visit him during the holidays, but they all know that there can never be a home for him in Long Island again.

Height: Five foot eleven.
Weight: 140.
Hair: Blonde.
Eyes: Blue.
Appearance: With his shaggy blonde hair and mischievous smile, Bobby can solidly be classified as 'good looking', even though it only takes one good look to tell that he's well on his way to becoming a 'heartbreaker'. On an average day, Bobby can be found playing video games in jeans and a t-shirt, although he’s starting to prefer the button-down shirt over jeans look more and more. Physically, Bobby has the lithe build of a basketball player, with no excess far on his body. As a snowboarder he has terrific balance and is exceptionally light on his feet.

Portrayed By: Alex Pettyfer
Player: Puja.

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