(just to remind myself of where I have been... because one forgets... and who I am... because one forgets)
by Glaistig
Sick to death of comfort, I turn my back on satiety
seeking the hunger that goads me.
I have lain torpid in my decadence
too long
merely dreaming of precious grit and sweat and battle
cringing from wakefulness
But I have a knife now.
I've carved out a bloody escape from my bloated shell
and abandoned it on the peaceful, sultry beach
leaving a trail of red footprints
that lead to the jungle.
-- and --
An Ode To Reasonable Men
by Glaistig
The subtleties of rage
are such that I am at a loss
to elucidate them to you,
but since I am driven, I try.
hurling half-conceived remembrances at your impassive shell.
They make no dent.
You catch me in semantics.
Your sophistry is compelling,
but I serve an entire pantheon of greater gods.
They stand at my back, bristling at you.
Growling and snarling,
erections straining with unreleased force.
You somehow fail to notice this malefic display
and, amazed at your lack of regard,
I turn to consider its beauty.
At once made breathless by passion,
the unholy and glorious subsume-ment of intellect,
I dissolve into a powerful rush of cunt-seizing intensity,
and it dawns on me
that I have absolutely no reason
to turn back to you.