Title: Swish And Flick
Pairing/Characters: Adam
Rating (Word Count): T (3x100)
Warning(s): violence aftermath
The last of the footsteps had scuffled away a while ago, but Adam was still hesitant to open his eyes or breathe loudly yet. If they had the satisfaction of knowing he was down for the count, then he had the chance for survival.
Everything hurt, oh god, it hurt so much. Adam just knew if he were to ever look in a mirror again he'd see black and blue blotches and trails of red over every possible surface, colors he once loved.
Behind his closed lips, he slowly ran his tongue over his teeth. Still intact. One small blessing.
That thought triggered a rasping sob even if his ribs pained. Those bastards could've killed him- or worse- and he was only thinking about his teeth oh god he was so fucking vain and stupid.
With a throbbing head he pulled himself to a sitting position, tears streaming like unhealing wounds. Whimpers left his lips and he hated himself-
A silver flash caught his blurring vision and he groped for it like a treasure.
A knife.
One of them had stupidly dropped his switchblade and forgotten about it.
Adam suddenly forgot how close that blade had been to his cheek.
The handle was carved, what design he couldn't see, but felt with his thumb. Elaborate like a king's tapestry.
Adam laid the switchblade in his palm for a moment, then gave it a toss where it twirled in the air like something out of a movie before landing.
Light, shining- beautiful in its deadliness.
Adam found the button on the handle, and out flicked the same blade that almost took out his eye. He gave a childlike "oh!" like this was unexpected.
He swished a zig-zag in the air and forgot about the rib pain as he laughed almost dramatically.