Title: Family & Friends
Pairing/Characters: Tommy/Alisan Porter, Adam
Rating (Word Count): G (2x100)
Warning(s): none
Tommy first met Alisan about a week after the band audition. Adam had made it a point to introduce the bassist to everyone in his circle, and the quick lesson was that he, literally and figuratively, knew some very colorful people.
"Tommy, my unofficial little sister, Miss Alisan Porter," was the introduction, and if he connected the name in his mind with memories of cheesy childhood movies he said nothing, just took in this petite apple-cheeked beauty in no makeup and a flowing hippie dress.
"Oh, he's pretty. Adam, are you keeping him?" she asked in the cutest Midwestern accent.
When the two were left alone later sharing life stories (and hers definitely outweighed his), Tommy found he couldn't keep his eyes or attention away from her. Despite everything Ali had done and been through, she was not jaded or bruised or battle-scarred, but smiles and sunshine.
"What're you thinking so deeply about, TomRat?" she asked at one point and laid her (soft) hand over his wrist.
"How happy you are an' how I'd like to keep you that way...if you'll let me," he grinned and touched her cheek.
Fortunately she kept on smiling and her touch stayed soft.