Comment here, PM
gargoyles42 or
writerndisguise, or send an e-mail to if you have any other questions. We will respond to your question, and then post it here for others who may be wondering the same thing.
Q: What is Glambert’s Big Bang?
A: This is a big bang challenge community for authors and artists to do what they do best, centering around someone we all know and love: Adam Lambert!
Q: If I join the community, do I have to sign up as an artist or author, or can I just watch and read?
A: You are completely welcome to just lurk around and read the fan fictions. But remember that you don’t have to join the community in order to read them; the authors will post the master post of their story in the community, but will be required to post the actual story outside of the community, and it must be open to public view.
Q: Is there a schedule of dates?
A: Yes, it is
Q: If I sign up now, will I be able to drop out later?
A: Yes, we will be making a post before first drafts are due for any authors or artists that need to drop out of the challenge. We will not angry if you have to drop out, but we also are not encouraging you to do so. We understand that sometimes RL gets in the way or a story just won’t come to you like it had been.
Author’s Information
Q: What are the requirements for the fan fiction?
A: The minimum word requirement is 25,000, and the story must feature Adam Lambert as a main character. Everything else is up to you!
Q: Does Adam have to be the main character? Or can someone else be the main character as long as Adam is a main part of it?
A: Adam must be a main character of the fic, but he does not have to be the main character. You can have any others along with him, as long as he is one. This is Glambert’s Big Bang; the fics must include Adam as a central character.
Q: Can I choose who does the art for my fan fiction?
A: The artists will claim the fan fictions. If you have someone you want to do yours, then make sure they know which fic is yours when the threads open to claim fan fictions. But you cannot reserve your fan fiction for someone. Whoever claims it first gets it.
Q: When can I post my fan fiction?
A: Check the schedule
Q: If I sign up as an author, can I sign up as a beta and/or artist too?
A: Yes. But you cannot beta or create art for your own fan fiction. Be sure to sign up on both threads; posting on the author’s sign up that you want to do both will probably be missed, and you won’t be put on the artist/beta list.
Q: Can the fic be a crossover with another fandom?
A: Crossovers are welcome. If you are going to crossover into another fandom, the main character must still be Adam.
Q: Can I use the Big Bang to finish one of my WIPs?
A: Yes, you may use a WIP. You can not use a WIP that has already been posted somewhere. You must add 25,000 words to what has already been written of the WIP by draft due date on July 17, 2010.
Q: I have a story I've already written, and finished, that has Adam as a main character. Can I write a sequel or another fic set in that same universe?
A: Of course! Sequels, prequels, or any other stories that have Adam as a main character are welcome.
Q: Can I start posting my fic or art in my journal if I finish early?
A: No. We ask that you not post your fic or art prior to your posting day.
Q: How are posting days going to be selected?
A: We will be making a schedule of the posting dates and who will be posting then. If the posting date does not work for either the author or artist, you can post in the post to have it changed.
Q: Can I write more than one fic?
A: You may write up to two stories, including as a co-author. This means you can write two by yourself, co-author on two, or write one yourself and co-author one at the same time.
Q: Can I write my story in script form?
A: Yes, you are welcome to write your story how every you would like. They way I see it is that you’re telling the same story but in a different way.
Q: If I write two stories, does each have to have a word count of 25,000 or can one be 10,000 words and the other be 15,000 words?
A: All stories must be 25,000 words long. Whether you're doing one story or two, each story must be 25,000 words long.
Q: Does my fic need to be have a beta read it?
A: Yes. We will be putting up a post for people to volunteer to be a beta. You can refer to this post if you need help finding a beta.
Q: When are rough drafts due and how much of the fic must I have written by then?
A: The first rough draft will be due on June 12th along with the summary of your story. This first draft must be 18-20,000 words long. Your fic does not have to be completely done, but close. This is to make sure that your fic is will be done by posting date and we can assign an artist to your fic.
The second rough draft will be due on July 17th. This draft must be at least 25,000 words long and have some sort of beginning, middle, and end. It does not have to have been beta read yet and you may still add to it until your posting date.
Artist’s Information
Q: Does Adam have to be on the banner/icon/etc.?
A: As the artist, you have a bit more freedom on this aspect than the authors. Adam doesn’t have to be on the piece, though it is preferred. But if it makes more sense with the story’s theme that he is not on the banner, and you discuss it with the author, then doing the banner without Adam on it is perfectly fine.
Q: What types of art can I make?
A: You can do anything from wallpapers to banners to icons to headers to fanmixes to videos. You can hand draw something, create digital art, put together a music collection or make a video.
Q: How will I know what story I'm going to create some art/fanmix/vids for?
A: We will be collecting summaries from the authors on June 12th. These will then be posted anonymously (on June 19th) so that artists may select which story they'll illustrate from that list. You will get to decide what you story you make art for.
Q: Can I start posting my fic or art in my journal if I finish early?
A: No. We ask that you not post your fic or art prior to your posting day.
Q: When are rough drafts due?
A: Artist rough drafts will be due July 17th. This draft must include at least one piece of art for your fic. You are welcome to make more art for your fic before the posting date, but your must have at least one piece of art done by July 17th.