Lindsay Lohan Tutorial (Using PSP8)

Dec 26, 2005 00:09

This tutorial will show you how to increase/enhance your icon's appeal:


I've promised and promised an icon tutorial forever but I never had the energy to do one. However, I have an enormous amount of time so I'm going to do this step by step. I'm probably going to regret revealing my ~secrets~ but whatever lolol. First off, you have to start out with this picture:

1. Go down to your Layer Palette and Right-Click your "Background" layer (the image itself) and a menu will come up. Click Duplicate. You now have a "Copy of Background" on your Layer Palette which lays ontop of your original Lindsay Lohan image.
2. On your Layer Palette, you should have a Drop-Down Menu box that reads, "Normal." This is called the Blend Mode Menu. Click on the little black arrow pointing right and choose Screen as the blend mode. Your Lindsay Lohan picture should look like this now:

3. Go to your top tool bar and click Layers > Merge > Merge All (Flatten). Go back down to your Layer Palette and once again duplicate the "Background" layer. Now go to your top tool bar and click Adjust > Brightness and Contrast > Brightness/Contrast...!
4. Now you must set your settings like this:

5. Click OK. Now we're onto the coloring part. I love to mess with different colors during this process but we'll go with what I usually go with. The blue is #0000FF and the orange is #FFB283. In regards to 5 (which is this step), you can see these images for a demonstration:

6. Click on your Change To Target tool which is the little rainbow ball/target symbol. Because the bottom square is blue, you will have to hover over the image of Lindsay and RIGHT-CLICK and keep pressing. Make the ENTIRE picture into the shade of blue. Just use the circle default brush that is found in your Brush Palette and change the size to 500 so that it will be easier to get the whole picture blue. Your picture will look like this (DO NOT FLATTEN YOUR LAYERS!):

7. She looks disgusting, doesn't she? Need no worry! Now go over to your left toolbar and find your Paint Brush Tool (Just like you did with the Change To Target tool). Now hover over the picture of Lindsay and LEFT-CLICK on her so that the picture goes darker (with the yellow). MAKE SURE THAT YOU SET THE BLEND MODE TO MULTIPLY! Leave the brush at 100% for opacity and 500 for size. Repeat this same step once again. Your picture should look much more disgusting like this:

8. DON'T FLATTEN YOUR LAYERS JUST YET! Keep going- go up to Adjust > Blur > Gaussian Blur...! I'd recommend using these settings that I have used for the picture:

9. Click OK. Your Lindsay picture should be blurry as hell now. We're almost done! Well, kind of. Anyways, now go down to your Layer Palette and if you followed correctly (As in, no flattening images except for when we made the picture brighter at the beginning. Remember? Yah!) then you should have 2 layers. Go to the "Copy of Background" layer and look at the DropDown Menu. It says "Normal" but make it to Overlay instead. If you don't like the colors of the outcome of what Overlay gives you, you're more than welcome to choose another effect. Even though it will kind of interfere with what else I have planned for making the icon. Here's how it should look like:

10. Once you've set the blend mode, go up to your top toolbar. Click Layers > Merge > Merge All (Flatten). It should now look like this:

11. I'd suggest Resizing your picture. This is how you do that- Go to your top toolbar and click Image > Resize.... A new window should pop up like this:

12. Set your settings the way I have mine set. Click OK. Your image (the Lindsay picture) should be MUCH smaller now. It should look like this:

13. Open up a brand new canvas. Make it 100 x 100 pixels. Copy and paste the resized picture (which will be called your Raster Layer) and paste it onto the canvas. You may crop as you may find appropriate. Here's how I cropped it:

14. Don't flatten the layers! Duplicate that layer which would be your Copy of Raster 1. Set that new duplicated layer (which on your Layer Palette should be the 3rd layer) to SCREEN (for the Blend Mode). Your icon should be brighter. That's great! Now move the 3rd layer around in the icon. Neat, huh? This is how mine's looking so far:

15. However, I won't stop there. I'm going to duplicate the 3rd layer so I have a 4th layer! It's also automatically set at SCREEN so just move it around. I moved it towards the bottom of the icon. Like this:

16. Hmmm.. 4 isn't enough for me. I'm going to duplicate the 4th layer giving me a 5th layer. For that 5th layer, I moved Lindsay ALLLLLL the way to the LEFT. And since the Blend Mode was automatically set to SCREEN, I'm going to change it to MULTIPLY so that the icon can be much "darker." Your layers should look like this by the way:

17. And your icon should look like this!-

18. Notice the black parts? I like that effect. They substitute cliché brushes that I refuse to use because I think they're on every other icon so yeah. Those black parts are from the Lindsay picture itself. Now you may go up to your top toolbar and click Layers > Merge > Merge All (Flatten).

19. Add text if you'd like! This is my final result:

Linked at icon_tutorial (which is why this post is public now.) If you like the way the icon turned out and you're not a member of this community, you are more than welcome to join. I have 15 other Lindsay Lohan icons that are very similar to this in the previous post but it's locked.
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