Name: Monica Lyn
Age: Sixteen
Gender: Female
Location: Ohio, USA
Birthday: November 15th, 1988
Sexual preference: Bisexual - however I am engaged to be married to a guy so I don't really find myself attracted to many girls anymore. :)
Status: Engaged - to be married! We're waiting until I finish highschool though, so sometime in 2007. He's 18 now.
(The Best Picture I Have Of Him, From Last Christmas)
Describe yourself in 5 words: Outgoing, Loud, Caring, Emotional, and Clumsy.
Where did you hear about us(the person who promoted to you): I saw that
mami_chilena is an accepted member, and thought I'd try it out.
5+ Bands: C.Y.N., Pink Floyd, Metallica, The Eagles, and System of a Down.
5+ Movies: The Crow, The Labyrinth, Mighty Joe Young, The Goonies, and The Fifth Element.
3+ TV shows: Iron Chef America, 30 Minute Meals, and Myth Busters.
Actor and Actress: Jim Carey and Angelina Jolie.
Food: Spaghetti. Desert: Cheesecake.
Drink: Honestly? Milk. Skim to be exact I go through about a gallon a day.
♥Opinions♥ [Pick 2 of these 4 to voice your opinion on]
Abortion: I am pro-choice. You cannot dictate what somebody does to their body. If you make a law agaist it, it will happen anyway. Except then more and more women will be dieing from infections from having an illegal abortion done in some back alley wearhouse with rusty and unclean medical instruments. I do believe however that teenagers should not be so able to have an abortion without their parents knowledge of the process happening. I know that personally I would never have an abortion, but I would not judge somebody differently for their choice to do so, its THEIR body.
Gay marriage: I really think that Gay Marriage should be legalized everywhere (go Canada for already making that step!) I mean there are a lot of people that are agaist same sex couples, and I dont care if they are or not its their choice, but they shouldnt stop two people who love each other from being able to express that love for each other publically through the act of being a married couple. Some people that I know think it is a CHOICE to be bisexual/homosexual. But it's not - because you cannot CHOOSE who you fall in love with and you do not CHOOSE who you find attractive. If we could CHOOSE who we'd fall in love with, love wouldnt be as special as it is. People say that Gay Marriage should not be legal because they want to promote FAMILY. Well, why can't a gay couple have a family? I see gay couples on T.V. all the time who have adopted children, isn't that a family?
Do you have any tattoos or piercings?: One tattoo (of a spider that I designed, on my back between my shoulder blades), and three piercings but I only wear jewelry in one, I have both my earlobes pierced, my right cartiledge, and my eyebrow, but I only wear jewelry in my eyebrow.
Make us laugh:
What does you username mean?: I made this username when my fiance and I decided on a name for the baby boy I am carrying (yep, I'm preggers.) We are naming him Sebastian Taylor so my username is short for Sebastians Mommy. :)
Tell us something interesting about yourself: I love to cook, and I love to surprise people with snacks and stuff. I want to be a chef when I grow up. Hmm...I am pregnant (as said above) and am proving most of the stereotypes of pregnant teens wrong by finishing my highschool education. Oh, and I have a bullet in my right hip bone. (From refusing to have sex with a boyfriend. Long story short, he got mad, I got shot, but I survived.) Are those interesting enough?
Why should we accept you?: Because I am glamorous, baby!
Post 2-6 pictures of yourself. At least one clear face shot, please! And do not post links.
They all look the same, sorry!
And a picture of my baby bump - just because its somewhat full body, with my face cut off. You can still see how Im built kind of.