because yom kippur is about telling the truth

Oct 02, 2006 16:04

This weekend has been boring because I'm fairly ill. Ughh. I want to see Flyboys. Really really bad. 1. Where were you 3 hours ago? - probably the shower. 2. Who are you in love with? - ohh lots of people. 3. Have you ever eaten a crayon? - it was a dare. and actually disgusting. 4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? - yes. shirts. flip flops. binder. 5. When is the last time you went to the mall? - attempting to shoe shop with my mom last monday. 6. Are you wearing socks right now? - no. 7. Do you have a car worth over $2,000? - umm i don't drive? 8. When was the last time you drove out of town? - i don't drive!! 9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? - nahh. not in sooo long. 11. What was the last thing you had to drink? - cider. 12. What are you wearing right now? - jeans, tank, grey sweater. what else do i wear? 13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it? - i don't drive! i don't have a car! ughh do you have to rub it in.. 14. Last food that you ate? - cider mill donut 15. Where were you last week at this time? - um the mall i think? 16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? - today in fact. 17. When is the last time you ran? - saturday? 18. What's the last sporting event you watched? - football game. saturday. 19. What is your favorite animal? - giraffe. lions. platypus. 21. Last person's house you were in? - grandmas. 22. Worst injury you've ever had? - 27 stitches. 23. Have you been in love? - no 24. Do you miss anyone right now? - yup. basically always. 25. Last play you saw? - south pacific. 26. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? - umm? 27. What are your plans for tonight? - yitzkor. break-fast at carrabas. after i have no idea. hopefully something. 28. Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment? - melly. 29. Next trip you are going to take? - i hope chicago. or san diego. 30. Ever go to camp? - sure 31. Were you an honor roll student in school? - n.a 32. What do you want to know about the future? - i'd want to make sure it all ended okay. 33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne? - yup 34. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit? - i don't do physicals. 35. Where is your best friend[s]? - all over. 36. How is your best friend[s]? - i'm sure their good. 37. Do you have a tan? - it's fading :-[ 38. What are you listening to right now? - iTunes. right now. ordinary day, vanessa carlton. [blushes] 39. Do you collect anything? - no. goofy stories? 40. Who is the biggest gossiper you know? - oh goodness. haha. i can't tell. 41. Last time you had to deal with cops? - ugh. umm lately? 42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw? - sure 43. What does your last text message say? - umm i delete them. i have no idea. 44. Do you like hot sauce? - yupp. 45. Last time you took a shower? - a couple of hours ago. 46. Do you need to do laundry? - its being done right now. 47. What is your heritage? - Russian. German. English. Scottish. + 48. Are you someone's best friend? - umm. I think so. 49. What were you doing at 12AM last night? - sleeping.]
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