Studying is not the most fun thing to do, but I have done some. I finished The Peasant's Revolt and have started on the Holocaust, so I need to go through the notes for that and read some more, then start on Ludlow and local history. Actually, not too much left, really, if I think about it. And then I take the exam for it tomorrow, then I study for Medieval Studies, which is really just reviewing my notes as the reading I did for Knights and Castles is the same reading for Med. Studies.
And then, my friends, I go home! That's in 11 days, not counting today. I've been thinking about the best way to get to London, and what I could do is to take the last bus out of Lampeter to Carmarthen, wait at the train station for 4 hours, and take the train to London, where I would arrive at 6 or 7 AM, then I would take the tube to the airport, etc. Alternatively, I could go to Aberystwyth, but, really, it's not much different than going to Carmarthen. And when I go to Carmarthen it feels like I'm getting closer to home (but Seattle is going the other way, Jenn...).
Not been doing much. Did laundry Monday, went shopping today. Yup. I've been going walking around the town and campus when it hasn't been raining. Stopped by the B-52's yesterday. Talked to Nat for a while. Went and talked to Tyler for a while, and played Jeopardy on Yahoo! Games, which was fun and addicting. We didn't do too badly, either. Tyler's avatar guy danced when he got questions right, and made sad and defeated gestures when he got it wrong. I thought it was funny. It's nice, I felt like I knew some things. Of course, it was multiple choice. Tyler made a lot of guesses that turned out to be right. Way to be, my friend.
Potatoes to eat, and rice, and pasta, and noodles. I figured I have to eat up the rest of my food pretty quickly. And I still have a storage conundrum, so I'll have to figure that one out.
Goddamnit! We're going to have an awesome summer, I'm going to make you all go out and have fun and do stuff! Because damn if we don't! You all must keep me occupied.
Tyler and Nat are leaving this Thursday. Do I need say more, really? I think I've talked about this before. At least I can think about packing and how to get to the airport, and have that last exam to keep my mind busy. But you can only think about that for so long, you know? And I'll go down to the bar. I'll drag the Americans along or something.
I keep on having dreams about being home. I mean, I've had them all year, and sometimes they freak me out when I wake up, and I have to reassure myself that I'm still in Lampeter and that I haven't missed any lectures or exams or anything. The dreams usually involve me at home, and I realise that I only have a day or two until I have to be back in Lampeter, and I freak out about buying tickets, and my parents are happy to have me home, but I keep getting angry at them for flying me home during term time, and there's always a weird secret passageway from my room to the attic, and I keep on trying to get something from there, but I don't want anybody to know. It's either that dream (with variations), or sex dreams with Tyler. Sometimes not good 'oh, my parents are home now' sex dreams. Or, the other day, it was weird, because my dream just involved all the people I know here sitting around a table at the bar and talking about stuff. Only it was really strange stuff mixed with just normal stuff, or they'd ask me, for example, when my next exam was, and I'd tell them the wrong date. I kind of didn't know whether the normal questions they asked me didn't actually happen in reality, because I can't remember if they asked me that when at the bar recently.
Speaking of going to the bar, I think I'll do that tonight. I've been having water recently, as it is free. And I have an exam tomorrow, so excessive drinking is not an option. However, a certain rugby girl got super drunk the night before an exam and she said she wanted to throw up the entire time she was taking her exam. Not good. Silly rugby girls!
So there you have it. I've been bored and haven't done much. I want to be in Seattle soon. Once Thursday comes, well, that's when I want to be home for certain. But no, I must wait another week and four days. Fuck the time, man.