Welcome to the Green Lantern Anon Meme!
This meme was created for Green Lantern: the animated series, but is not limited to it. The Green Lanterns have a huge mythos to draw upon, and all additions that do so are welcome here.
If you post a prompt please try to fill one.Until the end of June we will be holding a No Guilt Prompt-a-Thon to get all sorts of creative juices flowing. This means you are encouraged to prompt any and every idea that you have, even if you have no intention of filling anything. Weather you have a whole host of prompt dumps, or a single idea that you'd like to put out to the muses-that-be, this is the time to do it!
Prompts can be filled with fic, art, fan vids, whatever it is that you are inspired to, and every one is appreciated no matter what level your skill is at. Multiple fills are welcomed and encouraged.
Format your prompts and fills correctly, including the use of
Warnings and Other Helpful Information. Formatting is shown at the top of every Prompt Post for easy reference.
One prompt per post. If you want to prompt Hal and Kilowog having a drink, and Aya becoming a Red Lantern do it on separate comments.
This is an anon meme, but anon is not required.
While Red Lanterns are expected to be here in a-plenty I'd like to keep them limited to prompts and fics - so! Please, be polite and considerate of your fellow anons. As a rule of thumb try and stick to I-statements.
Link to rather than imbed media, and put a small description of the linked material.