'We Want Your Information!,' Nightnews BAT-NEWSFLASH!...
Intro :: The Global Economy and Justice Issues!
A - New Improved Nightnews Listings
B - Nightnews Facebook Group
C - Fringe 2009
Intro :: If you think Bankers are Thieving, Incompetent, Overpaid, Scoundrels driving a Funeral Hearse and Full Team of Black Horses through an inadequate financial regulatory framework Globally!? Then PLEASE consider signing this petition :: "No Ifs No Buts - Give up the Bonus, RBS"
http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/giveupthebonus?e This is an important cause, and I'd like to encourage you to add your signature, too. It's free, suitably dark, richly appropriate and it takes less than a minute of your time - RBS losses are the largest anywhere it seems, they evaporated £30 billion!, so the bonuses they want to pay themselves in 2009 certainly won't be going to the, ahem 'widows and the orphans,' anywhere in the world, that's for sure! - thankyou! ;-)
And now to the other EQUALLY important stuff!...
A - New Improved Nightnews Listings
For listings (Uk clubs and gigs), global band newsletters, global cd press releases, music industry events and information, add this email to your subscriber base - and email me the details at...
'We Want Your Information!,' :: UK/Scotland listings will be fwd to the press/media as soon as I receive them, other information will appear on the nightnews dot net site via the Nightnews_Omega RSS feed to which media are subscribed.
Listings Please follow this format as much as possible, media will NOT publish your gig etc info without FULL promoter and venue details.
Subject Line: 'Attention grabbing title or factoid/band/venue/date/city...'
Event: name of gig/club
Venue: postal address + postcode
date 1: day of week / month
details Bands / genres / performers / DJ's / other?
date 2: day of week / month
details Bands / genres / performers / DJ's / other?
email contact
phone contact
Your names / org
address if other / optional
tel no if other
Press release/ more links if any :: blurb goes here
No attachments but links to downloads at photobucket etc for photos, e-flyers etc
Lots of examples at
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NightNews-Media/http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Nightnews_Omega these are set up as rss feeds for nightnews users and media :-)
B - Nightnews Facebook Group
If you are on Facebook and want to network with Nightnews there please use this link to join. You will have to be logged into facebook for it to work... The future development of Nightnews dot net has been announced here ~ you have to join this group in order to share this information, it won't be revealed anywhere else until it happens ;-p
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=45643033603 All members may upload photos, upload videos and post items including on-topic events. Admins must approve requests for new members to join. The Group is closed and though anyone can see the group description, ONLY members can see the Wall, discussion board, and photos.
Because what happens on Facebook stays on Facebook (which is what they say about themselves in the GRU,) this is the Nightnews UK outpost in that corner of cyberspace!
C Edinburgh Fringe
If you are a cult band / major promoter, interested in doing a one night production, gig or club night at the biggest arts festival in the world in Aug 2009, you may want to join
http://groups.myspace.com/nightnewsread the posts, follow the links and get in touch with me...
Nightnews Webmaster
Nightnews ^V^^V^^V^
Circ :: 6600 subscribers to 8 Nightnews newsgroups.
650 media contacts. Readership of this notice may be
extended to select, on-topic newsgroups. We thank you
for your interest.
PS 'We Want information'
The Prisoner Intro