Type your cut contents here.Answering things with just one word.
Where is your cell phone? pants
Your significant other? None
Your hair? leaving
Your mother? Awesome
Your father? Dead
Your favorite thing? stumped
Your dream last night? forgotten
Your favorite drink? coke
Your dream/goal? out
What room are you in? bedroom
Your hobby? gaming
Your fear? people
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Lost
Where were you last night? Ambulance
Something that you aren't? Good
Muffins? mmmmmmm....
Wish list item? school
What are you wearing? uniform
TV? rarely
Your pets? m'pups
friends? few
Your mood? serene
Missing someone? Always
Drinking? mmyes
smoking? mmmno
car? Crappy
Something you're not wearing? fashion
Your favorite store? PDQ
favorite color? White
When is the last time you cried? divorced?
Who will resend this? what?
Where do you go over and over? bed
People who email me regularly? Facebook
My favorite place to eat? table
Favorite place I'd like to be at right now? Asleep
People I think will respond? what?