haha, so I guess there was some thing about fasting on body perfect that some folks got a little agitated over... that's pretty funny. for a second it hurt my feelings until I realized that, um, there's no need. I think it was kind of ballsy, actually. The best part was someone in the comments saying that the comm was a bunch of girls with anorexia
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Comments 4
Although bodyperfect seems to be more of a general dieting community than an ED one ("pfft, I'm lyke totally more *ana* than U").
Btw, since when has it become practice to measure fasts in hours? I feel like I missed something. Hm.
Good luck with your classes! I hope everything works out for you :)
I've always seen people measure fasts in hours, since I was like 14 or 15 and first found 'pro-ana' sites. It's pretty silly, though, because nobody does like a 52 hour fast or something. May as well do days. But whatever.
Thanks so much! I know once school starts I'm going to lose soooooo much weight, which I really need... I've gained so much... I thought I'd lost a few, but it turns out I've gained ///_-;;
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