Yesterday, I ran home in the afternoon to grab a package that I needed to mail. As I was pulling out of my driveway, I noticed a quail standing on the street just in front of my yard. Keeping an eye on him as I maneuvered onto the road, just in case he decided to run under my car I thought he was acting a bit strange so I looked a bit closer.
Turns out he was trying to get two itty bitty teeny tiny baby quail chicks to hop up the curb. But they were too little.
I got my melted brain back into my head as best I could, pulled my car over and very quickly and carefully scooped both chicks onto the sidewalk. Then I got back in my car and made a high-pitched eeeeeeeeee noise for a little while. Then I drove back to work.
Sadly, no pictures of teeny quail babies in hand, I'm sure the poor little things are traumatized enough from the scoop onto the sidewalk.
But! The family was in my backyard this morning. I was very pleased to see this, since my yard is both kid- and pet-free. Nice and safe. I got one half-way usable picture to share, see how many babies you can count I see five:
*rolls around flailing*