< Act 2-10 >
Charlton: So Chevalet Blanc managed to escape from the capital...?
Rupert: Looks that way. Those Royal Knight dolts were too dumbfounded to do anything to stop 'em.
Charlton: I never would have guessed that the trump card you spoke of was the imposter princess's true identity...
Rupert: I had a hunch, but couldn't confirm it till right then.
Rupert: I was afraid she'd team up with beard-rat and his knights, so I had to play my card a little earlier than I would've liked...
Charlton: That was very quick thinking.
Rupert: I asked her to tell me the princess's birthday and the date of this country's foundin' day, but if she had taken a guess I sure as hell wouldn't have known if it was right or not.
Rupert: But I figured she'd be so startled I could bluff my way through...and whaddya know?
[Charlton loses his smirk.]
Charlton: It seems your considerable skill with a blade is not your only gift. However, I can't praise those who are too clever for their own good.
[Rupert gnashes his teeth.]
Rupert: Aw, boss, don't gimme that face! I promise I'll fill you in next time!
Charlton: ...
[Rupert smirks again.]
Rupert: Well, better get back to work... I gotta prepare a pursuit force to go after the sham princess...
[Charlton smirks.]
Charlton: There's no need to pursue her.
Rupert: Huh? What are you sayin', boss?
Charlton: Now that the Royal Knights have returned, I need the Martial Guard here to keep them in check.
[He closes his eyes.]
Charlton: And also...
Rupert: ...?
Charlton: I've entrusted the pursuit of Chevalet Blanc to a more appropriate group.
They're composed of the same human garbage as the imposter princess and her cronies, and far more fearsome.
Charlton: In fact, my hounds have already begun the hunt.
Rupert: So you got someone to handle your dirty work?
Charlton: The Zortroa Kinship... Filthy wretches who reek of beasts...
[On the world map, every path leading to and from Elensia is cut off, and the city itself is marked in grey. A path forms to a new location named Twilight Valley, marked with a red !.]
-Twilight Valley-
Levin: Ms. Wordsworth...?! Dammit, we lost her somewhere...
Ragnar: Calm down, Levin. For now our top priority is to figure out what's going on around here. Hold tight until Felius returns from scouting the area.
Clarissa: ...
[Clarissa keeps her head hung. Felius walks up to them.]
Felius: There seems to be a town called Lefas Corner ahead. It shouldn't be that far from here, but...
Ragnar: We can't carry on like this. We need to stop there and rally our troops before we can do anything else.
[Levin turns to him and yells.]
Levin: No way! What we have to do is wait here until Ms. Wordsworth catches up! In fact, we should turn around and retrace our steps until we find her!
Ragnar: That's very noble, and I certainly sympathize, but you need to take a hard look at the state we're in. There's no way we can go back like this!
Levin: This is no time for logic! Ms. Wordsworth is in trouble and we need to do whatever we can to save her!
Felius: ...
Felius: Clarissa...
[After a moment, Clarissa raises her head in surprise.]
Clarissa: --?!
[She lowers it again a little.]
Clarissa: I...I can't decide. I can't decide anything anymore...
[Levin turns to her, shocked.]
Clarissa: I'm sorry...
[Levin hangs his head, but still looks at her.]
Felius: ...
[Tony suddenly growls.]
Tony: ...!
[The guys turn around, poses defensive.]
Ragnar: Are we being followed?!
[Tactical Map style - a horde of monsters and masked men surround the party.]
Levin: Who the heck are they...?
Ragnar: Whoever they are, they want us dead. Why do we have to keep running into trouble like this?
[One of the men points at them with a clawed hand and the monsters growl.]
Levin: They're controlling the monsters?! Damn, we're in deep trouble now!
Felius: Levin, calm down. You mustn't let yourself panic.
Levin: How can you say that?! If these heavyweights decide to take us on at once, we'll all be flat as a pancake!
Ragnar: Heavyweights? Hmm... Maybe we could use their advantage against them. That'd be one heck of a counterpunch.
Levin: What the heck're you talking about?! I don't get you sometimes, Ragnar!
Either way...I've made up my mind!
[Levin and Ragnar stand ready for battle. Felius turns to Clarissa.]
Felius: Clarissa! Hang in there!
Clarissa: ...?!
Felius: We're gonna have to fight our way through this!
Clarissa...don't think about anything right now except what's ahead of us!
Clarissa: ...All right...
Clarissa: ...
Clarissa: ...
Clarissa: ...
[The battle ends when all enemies have been defeated.]
Ragnar: If the enemy's pursuing us, then this might be the advance party... Probably here to delay or spy on us.
Levin: So you think there's another force headed our way while we're sitting here...?
Felius: We can't wait for Labyrinthia any longer. ...Understand, Levin?
Levin: Yeah...yeah. I know...
[Felius looks at Clarissa and she turns to him.]
Clarissa: All right... I think I can run...
Felius: Let's go...
[They run off, and later arrive at an area with a large bridge.]
Levin: If we can make it over that bridge, we'll be a stone's throw away from the village...
Ragnar: (If King Hrathnir's out of the picture, the kingdom's in the hands of the Council...and it won't last long if it comes to that.)
Ragnar: (Still...)
Ragnar: (...)
Ragnar: (What is this...this feeling in my heart? This lurking sense of torment...)
Ragnar: (I came here to destroy Elesius, to rip it apart... That hope was what drove me through all the battles I've fought...)
Ragnar: (But why...why now...?!)
Ragnar: (...)
Ragnar: (...Didn't I come here to destroy Elesius?! So that must mean...)
[Up on the cliffside, more masked men and monsters appear. An unmasked woman takes a step closer to the edge.]
Woman in Black: ...
Ragnar: Looks like we won't have time to think this over for very long...
Levin: So that's what you were doing, just standing there? Thinking about stuff?!
[The woman swipes at the air.]
Felius: We've got to shake these enemies off before they completely surround us! To the bridge, everyone!
Levin: But we can't lead these guys to the village!
Shouldn't we at least take care of that huge black monster first?
Ragnar: I like the way you think, Levin, but we can't get caught up in this too much. It could spell doom for all of us.
We have no idea what kind of enemy we're dealing with here...and it wouldn't be a good idea to take any more casualties than we already have.
Do you understand me, Levin? If things just aren't going to work, then there's nothing left for us but to run.
He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day, right? Saving our energy for the next battle is a perfectly valid strategy here.
[The group stands ready.]
Clarissa: ...
Clarissa: ...
Clarissa: ...
Woman in Black: ...
[When someone makes it halfway across the bridge...]
Ragnar: Damn... These monsters are bad news! But we've got to hold out...
Ragnar: Hah! I thought this bridge looked familiar!
Ragnar: Listen up, everyone! This is an army bridge...they must've built this in order to cross the river.
There's got to be some switches around here that operate the maintenance latches...
Ragnar: Right, there they are! If we pull all those switches, we can lower the bridge!
Ragnar: First, we'll need to get everyone across before the enemy can. If we lower the bridge afterward, they won't be able to pursue us!
[The bridge collapses when all three switches have been activated, and the battle ends. The woman and her King Tarasque watch on from the other side.]
Woman in Black: ...
[She turns and leaves and the monster follows suit.]
Ragnar: I know I have a tendency to fall for beautiful women...but I just can't get in the moon right now, for some reason.
Ragnar: It might be a little while before I can reach her.
Levin: Huh? What are you talking about at a time like this?!
Ragnar: ...Even I need a little time, you know.
Levin: ...Hah, that's just great.
Ragnar: (But it's true...I need time...)
Ragnar: (If only there were more of it...)
Ragnar: (Maybe I could figure out what King Hrathnir meant when he told me to destroy Elesius, then protect it...)
Felius: First things first--let's get ourselves rested. If we keep going like this, we'll be overrun sooner or later.
[Felius and Ragnar start walking, but stop and turn when they see that Clarissa and Levin aren't following.]
Clarissa: ...Labyrinthia...
Levin: ...Please be all right, Ms. Wordsworth...
-Elesius Castle: Dungeon-
[Labyrinthia is behind bars, frowning at a smirking Charlton.]
Charlton: Oh, how the mighty have fallen... Wouldn't you agree, my former court magician? I had hardly expected another opportunity to speak with you.
Labyrinthia: ...
Charlton: When the mourning period for His Majesty ends, we will perform the Rite of Divine Coalescence, so that the Second Princess may succeed the throne.
Labyrinthia: Setting Princess Katrina up as a tool to further your own ambitions...!
Charlton: We had intended to perform the rite sooner, but His Majesty proved healthier than we would have liked...
Charlton: But I am deeply grateful to Chevalet Blanc. Thanks to you, we will no longer have to fight a reputation as usurpers to the throne.
Labyrinthia: The blame for King Hrathnir's death lies solely with the Council! How dare you imply that we're responsible--
Charlton: Don't you understand how much value can be found in the gap between truth and perception?
Labyrinthia: ...
Charlton: Regardless, I feel that you misunderstood my position.
Charlton: All I truly want for the future of Elesius is peace.
Charlton: It's to accomplish that very goal that I am returning Elesius to its rightful, traditional structure.
Labyrinthia: The wars you've contrived have sown chaos and cheapened the value of human life! How can you possibly say that with a straight face?!
[He frowns.]
Charlton: Because order is dependent upon tradition!
Charlton: The idea that we could have peace without order is a fantasy. Surely a woman of your learning understands that.
[Labyrinthia closes her eyes.]
Labyrinthia: ...
Labyrinthia: If we both desire the same thing for Elesius, then why can we not agree on the path to reach it...?
[He closes his eyes as well.]
Charlton: ...
Charlton: ...People are weak. That is why we need order, and therefore, why we must create structure.
[He looks at her.]
Charlton: People feel safe and secure when they are able to lead those below them, and be led by those above them. Isn't that human nature?
Charlton: Without the nobility taking the burden of leadership and providing guidance, the people will never be able to achieve peace and stability by themselves.
[She opens her eyes and gives him a defying glare.]
Labyrinthia: Unlike you, I have not resigned myself to the belief that people are fundamentally weak.
Labyrinthia: And there is no way that the ordered world of which you speak could ever realize peace!
Labyrinthia: All you're creating is a world of endless strife!
[He folds his arms.]
Charlton: ...
Charlton: I see that you misunderstand after all...
Charlton: TO see peace as the polar opposite of war is the very height of naivete.
Labyrinthia: --?!
Charlton: To put it simply, it is war that brings us peace.
Charlton: Without exception, all life in Filgaia is engaged in a war of predation, where the strong consume the weak.
Charlton: For those born into this world, the only way to find harmony is to take one's rightful place in this endless war.
Charlton: That is true peace!
Labyrinthia: This is the justification you're using to mire Filgaia in perpetual war?!
Charlton: Absolutely.
Charlton: So long as peace advocates fail to take this fundamental law of nature into account, their theories cannot be taken seriously!
Labyrinthia: ...
[Her face softens.]
Labyrinthia: And yet, I still believe that the true path to peace was the one walked by King Hrathnir.
[Charlton's expression sours.]
Charlton: ...
Charlton: Then I shall say it again... Without tradition there can be no order, and without war, there can be no peace!
[The screen fades to black and the player is prompted to save.]