< Act 3-11 >
[The rest of the party arrives in a room with separated platforms.]
Alexia: Ugh... This route's closed off, too.
Alexia: We have to hurry... If we don't, who knows what'll happen to Felius?
Ragnar: ...There's something up between him and Weisheit, isn't there?
Clarissa: Seems like it...
Labyrinthia: Who exactly is Felius, anyway...?
Clarissa: ...
I've lived with him for nearly five years now...but there's still a lot I don't know about him.
Even so... No matter what happens, I'm always going to believe in him...
Levin: ...Me too. I couldn't imagine doubting him.
Alexia: We're all friends of Felius here...and that's why we're going to help him. If you want to ask questions, you can ask them once he's safe.
Clarissa: Thanks, everyone... Let's keep going!
Labyrinthia: Let's take a look at the Tactical Map we'll be fighting on.
Labyrinthia: We'll be starting here...
Labyrinthia: And the enemy line looks like this.
Labyrinthia: Our mission is to escape from this map... All of us will need to make it to this location alive.
Labyrinthia: The Extremist's "Anchor Hook" skill will be absolutely indespensible on this map.
Use the hook ont he poles you see throughout the map, and we'll be able to move between floors.
Learn how to use the Anchor Hook as soon as you can. It'll prove to be an effective tool here.
Labyrinthia: There's one thing we'll have to be careful of--the Mu monsters dotted here and there.
Their soft, pliable bodies make it hard to inflict physical damage on them. We'll need to rely on our strongest offensive magic here.
Labyrinthia: To recap--we'll need two things in our arsenal before challenging this map: An Anchor Hook, and some powerful offensive sorcery.
[The battle ends when everyone has made it to the other side.]
[NARRATIVE]: Meanwhile...
Felius: Everyone speaks of you as a merchant who serves the royal family... What was that charade supposed to accomplish?! Answer me, Kressen!
Weisheit: Revenge. Against Elw Borea, the homeland that you and I share.
Felius: What...?
Weisheit: I was to succeed the power of Belia Lugos, and use it to rule over Elw Borea. But they denied me.
Weisheit: That was your and Yulia's doing, as I recall.
Felius: ...
Weisheit: And this is the result. I ended up stranded on Filgaia, some alien world in the middle of nowhere.
Felius: Did Yulia land here too?
Weisheit: Who knows? In all this time, I haven't seen her even once.
Weisheit: Think about it. We were flying blind, with no preset coordinates. Hundreds of years elapsed between when I arrived and you did.
Weisheit: Yulia could have landed here thousands of years ago. Or maybe she won't arrive until the distant future.
Felius: ...
Weisheit: I've spent all those hundreds of years waiting intently for you, Felius.
Weisheit: I bided my time, developing new weapons, discarding old bodies, and acquiring new ones... All so that I would be ready when you finally arrived.
Felius: Kressen... Have you gone utterly mad?
Weisheit: Do you think I could have accomplished all that I have without my sanity? I am, in fact, quite serious about my revenge.
Felius: Well, I'm not going to let you have it!
[Weisheit draws his sword, this time without his smirk.]
Weisheit: Enough, Felius. Let's see how much pain I can cause to your body without causing any lasting harm. Perhaps that'll teach you a little respect?
[Since Felius is alone, there is no D.E.R.]
Felius: Kressen! Don't bring Elw Borea's war to this world!
[The battle ends when Weisheit is defeated.]
Weisheit: How was that, Felius? Were we to continue, how much longer before you would finally submit to me?
Felius: Why do you want me so badly? There's no way I would ever help you with your revenge plot!
Weisheit: I care nothing for your will! It is your body that I desire!
Felius: ...
Weisheit: No matter how great my triumphs on Filgaia, there is no way I can return to Elw Borea without some method of interdimensional travel.
Felius: You don't mean...the Lombardia?!
Weisheit: Since it will only respond to your biopatterns, I cannot operate it without your body.
[An illustration shows the wrecked, smoking Lombardia crashed in the snow.]
Felius: So the Lombardia is on Filgaia too...
Weisheit: A dragon-class interdimensional vessel--your precious Lombardia. It arrived on Filgaia along with me, and I have long since finished excavating and restoring it.
[Weisheit chuckles, but doesn't smile.]
Weisheit: Heh heh heh heh...
Weisheit: Once I have obliterated your consciousness, I shall help myself to your body!
Weisheit: And then, I will be able to pilot the Lombardia! I will return to Elw Borea!
Weisheit: And with me, I'll bring all of the weapons that I have developed over my hundreds of years here. Then my conquest shall begin!
Clarissa: Not on our watch!
[Clarissa and Alexia run in and stop in between Felius and Weisheit.]
Alexia: My father devoted his life to abolishing wars of conquest from the traditions of Elesius!
Alexia: And now, to see vermin like you start them up again...
Clarissa: Chevalet Blanc will put an end to your schemes!
Weisheit: You fools have no idea what I'm capable of...
I am the heir to the Lord of Darkness, and I shall carve a demonstration of my power onto your bodies and into your souls!
Labyrinthia: Let's take a look at the Tactical Map we'll be fighting on.
Labyrinthia: We'll be starting here...
Labyrinthia: And once again...our enemy is Weisheit, all by himself.
Weisheit: This isn't the Weisheit we fought before... He seems set upon killing us, and he's not afraid to use his full powers for the task.
Without any idea of how he'll strike, it would be very unwise to take any careless actions against him.
Labyrinthia: Let's begin by observing Weisheit's maneuvers, keeping a safe distance from him at all times.
If he leaves himself open, drive in and strike, then retreat back out of range once more... The classic hit-and-run formula, in other words.
To execute this strategy, we'll definitely want to have classes with high MOV and RFX at the ready.
Labyrinthia: Our superior numbers mean absolutely nothing in this battle. Weisheit is no mere merchant... He's an even darker, more ominous enemy than we ever imagined!
Weisheit: Heh heh heh... Please don't assume things will go as easily as they did the last time we met...
[The battle ends when Weisheit is defeated. Weisheit glares at Felius, clutching his chest in the same manner as Kressen did.]
Weisheit: Urrgh...
Perhaps you can overwhelm me with sheer numbers, but what will your victory be worth once I abandon you here? Can you survive that, Chevalet Blanc?
Felius: Kressen!
Weisheit: I'm in no hurry, Felius... I will have your body soon enough. You can't flutter away if I leave you locked in my cage.
[Weisheit warps away. The others go up to Felius.]
Clarissa: Felius...
Felius: Clarissa...everyone...
[Levin smirks, holding his hands between his head.]
Levin: You had us really worried there, you know.
[Alexia smiles.]
Alexia: I thought that being abducted was traditionally the role of the princess...
Felius: I'm sorry.
Ragnar: I imagine you are. And I expect that you'll be eager to make amends by telling us all exactly what is going on?
Labyrinthia: Ragnar!
Felius: No...he's right.
Felius: You deserve to know. And...I want you to know.
Felius: I will tell you my tale. But I warn you, it is a long one. A tale of war that enveloped an entire world...
[The screen fades to black and the player is prompted to save.]