I do not have much time (at the library again.) It is Sunday, and Father's day, and I had a card but failed to mail it- so I will call later today
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I got nearly everything I need last night from the farm. Picked up the cats. Got all the perishables. I don't have breadpans and lack a bookshelf- as well as the dish drain I'd hoped to pick up and forgot about (I'm using a dishwasher now [quite a novelty.]) It will be a bit before I go back because with all the driving back and forth I've
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Yesterday didn't seem to have a start to it, or a definitive ending, thus, today didn't really either, and tomorrow may not. It's all a blur at the moment
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Have learned that "Politics of Jesus" while highly recommended and read en masse, is actually a textbook for Grad Students at Notre Dame. Am still reading it, while realizing I may not get as much out of it as a theological Grad Student. Am also going to try (though it may be a while before I scramble up some money) to check out Yoder's more
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Through the fortunate error of earmarking money for a bill that I had not realized I paid off last month, I was finally able to buy a copy of the recommended "The Politics of Jesus." This is not an expensive book, but I keep tight track of my money. For a long time, I thought I was not as well off as most of my friends, until I learned that many
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I'm watching this as though a person watches a movie. I am not supposed to actually be present in the scene. George W. Bush and Laura have moved back to the Ranch. G.W. is in the garage, which is not abnormally huge, but there is this panoramic scan of all the stuff, and there are hoarder amounts of stuff. Much of it is not moving back stuff,
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We have tried to produce a form of Christianity that will be tolerable to those who believe that the best way to deal with your enemies is to beat their heads in. And, we have done this. We have produced the Christian ethic of the just war. This is not the New Testament and every theologian knows it
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Pilate therefore said to him "Do you refuse to speak to me? Do you not know that I have power to release you, and power to crucify you?" Jesus answered him, "You would have no power over me unless it had been given you from above; therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin." From then on Pilate tried to release him,
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Regarding Creation, Lordship, Trinity, Sin, Salvation, and the nature of humans, the Mennonite confession of faith does not differ greatly from what I have seen in the protestant experience. But there are some differences
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