I bet more people can sing the entire intro and credit jingles to Gilligan's Island than can tell you (even in vague terms) the reasons for the US housing meltdown.
Yeah, never mind me, I'm on a 'down this people' kick lately ;-)
If something that has undermined the entire world's economy doesn't effect them DIRECTLY, some people I know just don't care. Jersey Shore, sure. Global meltdown, not so much. They get all they need to know from Fox news.
I guess Gilligan and crew were technically squatters, and could have been evicted at any time. Pretty sure their debt to income ratio was too poor (even by subprime standards) to get a real estate loan :-)
People are greedy and stupid. If you can cut through the political rhetoric (it's Bush's fault, it's Obama's fault, it's Clinton's fault) and the more difficult financial voodoo, this is pretty much the root of it. Different people are greedy in different ways, and different people are stupid in different ways, but this is pretty much what it boils down to as far as I understand it.
I don't think it's so much that people don't comprehend that people are greedy and stupid, so much as they are totally unwilling to see that they themselves are also in this group, whether they have been foreclosed on or not.
Comments 12
vaguely hewlett-connected icon :D
If something that has undermined the entire world's economy doesn't effect them DIRECTLY, some people I know just don't care. Jersey Shore, sure. Global meltdown, not so much. They get all they need to know from Fox news.
I don't think it's so much that people don't comprehend that people are greedy and stupid, so much as they are totally unwilling to see that they themselves are also in this group, whether they have been foreclosed on or not.
Who's Gilligan?
A common question guys still ask each other: "Ginger, or Mary Ann?"
If you have Amazon Prime, you can watch for free.
High art, I say, high art :-)
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