direct quote: "My Lord.. I will kill SO many Persians for you"
plus the story was super interesting, the look of the film was Super surreal and epic, and I still think about it every day since I've seen it, blah blah blah THEY KILL PERSIANS!!!!!
you know when you sleep in for like 3 hours and you try and get dressed, and drink some shitty lukewarm coffee, and then a song comes on your itunes, and you blast it! and then you're like "FUCK YAH! what was I waiting for?? lets do something life!"
I just walked to jack in the box, and saw a homeless man.. riding a bicycle, and then I saw crutches poking out from his handle bars. then i saw he had ONE FUCKING LEG!!!!!!
seriously if you Ever bitch about how riding bikes is annoying or too hard, try being that fucking guy!!