this time about people not on livejournal, which is why the security level of this entry is public. not that they're ever going to pass by and read it, but well, you never know.
1. Write something about 15 different people.
2. You can NOT say who they are.
3. If someone asks you which one is about them, you can NOT tell.
01. you're one of my very first friends. but something happened, and we practically hated each other. I'm glad we're back to being friends now. maybe not as close, but at least we don't hate each other!
02. we used to be inseparable during the first few semesters of college. but you were more adventurous than I was. it's great that you have happy life now, though. you deserve it!
03. you kind of just disappeared from the club and although we have occasional run-ins on y!m, I miss having great conversations over dessert with you and the other people who also "disappeared", sort of.
04. some people felt like you were taking advantage of me, and being the person that I am, I never thought you were. I realize now that it never felt like you were taking advantage of me, because everything I have is practically yours already. you're like my sister, pretty much, and I stand by my word when I say I'll be here for you for whatever reason.
05. I probably won't ever admit it to your face, but I do look up to you. sure, you slack off some days, but you have really great ideas about certain things! you're really smart where it counts.
06. you pride yourself in being a woman of faith, and I admire that about you - but sometimes, you should be extra careful with the way you act or speak, because it doesn't seem to jive with what you preach.
07. I wish you didn't hate me as much as you did. I don't wish for us to be friends, I just wish you'd leave me alone.
08. not having a boy doesn't mean you're any less of a person! hay. I really do hope you try to pamper yourself as much as you can while you're away. we miss you a lot!
09. I hope you're not smoking every other second! and I really hope your sister goes easy on you. everything will be fine soon enough. just hang in there!
10. you're going to go places, someday. I just know it. (: you're going to be famous. hehe!
11. I wonder what they've got that we don't. why you'd rather be with them, than with us.
12. you should've known better than to hit on your ex's friend! tsk, tsk.
13. I didn't think you'd be the kind of person who could do that to somebody you used to "love". I'm really disappointed.
14. I used to be really jealous of you during freshman year, especially when all your accomplishments were enumerated during your debut. haha, idol! I don't know what happened to you after graduation, but I'm pretty sure I'll be hearing about you soon - who knows, maybe even see you on air!
15. I miss training with you! we used to wear identical shirts/bandanas with another batchmate and we'd always be the frontliners during across-the-floor. being an applicant was so much fun, because we were batchmates!