My friends are the coolest.

Jun 11, 2004 13:20

This is why we have friends lists.

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Comments 45

saragoescrazy July 20 2004, 15:19:14 UTC
Glad you have such good friends, everyone needs friends like that :-) anywho you don't know me, I am Sara and I found your journal through a Random search. I was just curious if you wanted to like comment on each others journals and what not... If ya do thats cool, if not thats cool too - Have a great day!


saragoescrazy July 23 2004, 18:43:07 UTC
I added ya :-)


mmmm myownsong July 25 2004, 16:02:05 UTC
mmm samich, thats awesome dude.


amity August 5 2004, 10:32:07 UTC
I like cupcakes.


dadxer August 6 2004, 16:26:01 UTC
Speaking of friends lists... how about adding an old buuuuudee?


glaximus August 6 2004, 16:45:41 UTC
Yess... I remember j00....

Sure. Why not. Welcome aboard.


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