Using PS7, not translatable.
Requested by
abrightsky 1. Open your base.
2. Duplicate once and set to screen. If your image is too dark do as many times you need.
3. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Color Balance.
Set to:
Midtones -14 -9 -4
Shadows -3 +11 -10
Highlights -12 -5 +10
4. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves
Set to:
RGB I: 114 O: 128
Second Point: I: 244 O: 248
RED I: 193 O: 191
Second Point: I: 119 O: 126
GREEN I: 108 O: 119
BLUE I: 106 O: 135
Second Point: I: 217 O: 217
5. Now go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Colour
Set to:
REDS: C: -87
Y: +46
Y: +94
CYANS: C: +100
M: -40
Y: -100
B: -40
BLUES: C: +100
M: -62
Y: -53
B: +64
Y: -10
6. Make a new layer and fill with #FFCFED. Set this layer to Soft Light and opacity to 50%.
7. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation. Set saturation to +30.
8. Make another new layer and fill with #D8D7D8. Set this layer to Colour Burn.
And you're finished!
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