Hi! I don't think I've ever posted anything on here...but I might as well start now!
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Music
Senior Recital
Bruce A. Walker, Jr., cello
Assisted by
Diana Umali, piano
Sonata No.2 in G Minor, Op.5 No.2.....……………………….. Ludwig van Beethoven
Adagio sostenuto - Allegro molto piu tosto presto
Rondo: Allegro
Cello Concerto in A minor, op. 129……………………………....… Robert Schumann
Nicht zu schnell
Sehr lebhaft
Pampeana No. 2, Op. 21………………......………………………….Alberto Ginastera
Thursday, May 5, 2005
7:00 p.m.
John C. Abbott Auditorium (located in the basement of the Lovejoy Library on the SIUE campus)
This recital is presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Music degrees (Performance and Music Education)
Come if you want and there will be cake and punch afterwards! (I know that this is horrible, yet shameless promotion on my behalf :) )