Woohoo, post 30! 19 More to go.
I've run out of ideas now. :P Well, I haven't so much as I've run out of enthusiasm. This is harder than I thought. :)
So I'll leave this post here and think of something better for the next one :)
Actually it occours to me that I haven't mentioned my charity or my sponsor link in the last HOWEVER many posts.
I'm supporting the NSPCC which is the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. They work alongside the police, social workers and other agencies to help children in dire siuations. Children who are beaten, emotionally tortured, not fed, bullied, sexually abused and more. They help them all.
The also run Childline which is a free number Children can call ANYTIME and speak to a supportive person who will listen to them. It's 0800 1111 Or +44800 1111 from outside the UK.
Feel like that's a cause you could get behind?
Got at least £1 or $1 free?
Then pledge some money and SPONSOR ME! :D