Welcome to the Glee Angst Meme again! You know how these things work. You can come here and prompt your most angsty prompts, and write stories filling those angsty prompts to let our characters suffer.
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McKinley did it again. They organized a cruel and humiliating prank to write in Kurt as Prom Queen. But of course, they didn't know who was counting the votes and Santana and Quinn have no intention of turning that particular result in to Figgins.
Whether they pick Rachel or flip a coin between them for Prom Queen, I don't care. I just want to see them dealing with their rage and horror at the fact that the student body did this again, especially in light of the fact that they know just how upset Kurt was by it and that he hadn't even wanted to attend prom this year because of it. Santana might even be feeling a bit guilty about discouraging the anti-prom since, as much as she was right about Rachel's motivations, obviously Kurt and Blaine had the right of it.
Up to you if they tell anyone what they did, though I can't imagine they'd tell Kurt.
It's the Counting
"Hijo de puta."
As much as her earlier confrontation with Finn had put a bit of a damper on her prom spirits, Quinn couldn't help but smirk a little at the muttered Spanish curse from in front of her. Sounds like someone isn't happy with the votes. And we've barely started counting. That tiara is practically--
The sound of shredding paper interrupted Quinn's thoughts. She looked up from the stack of prom king ballots in front of her (just two counted so far) to chastise her competition.
"You know," Quinn started with a drawl, "I can't really double-check your count if you just tear up all the ballots that vote . . ."
An unspoken 'for me' was left hanging from the roof of Quinn's mouth as Santana, still facing forward, looking not at Quinn but at the papers ( ... )
God I was being a self-centered bitch, wasn't I? I was so screwed up. I just wanted it so much. It's supposed to be something you want.
But this time, all she can think of is Kurt. Kurt who never wanted this -- not just the stupid crown and the stupid title, but all the hatred and ignorance that leads a room full of kids to vote a boy as prom queen two years running. And throw him in dumpsters. And ignore it when he gets shoved in the hall. And make him hesitant hug his boyfriend in public, let alone kiss him.
It's supposed to be an honor. A victory. The crown, being queen. It's supposed to mean they like you.And who knows, maybe some of their classmates were too blind to see that underneath his brave face and pithy comment, Kurt was dying inside last year when he took that crown, when he was left out on that dance floor alone. Maybe some ( ... )
In case anyone's wondering, I didn't write the aftermath, but I figure they just did like they did on the show and named Rachel (or, if you prefer, Missy or Becky) prom Queen. And, of course, they never told anyone else the truth, ever.
Edit: And, oh look, I de-anonned. I'm clearly not good at this.
Oh, oh yes. This is so good. It's even realistic with Kurt not winning a majority but still winning enough. And I like the callback to last year with Quinn realizing how selfish of her it was to be upset that she hadn't won when one of her friends was in the process of being humiliated.
Thank you so much for this fill!
As a side note, how would you feel if I wrote a companion piece to this, from inside Santana's head instead of Quinn's?
Oh look, I can't stay anon either.
Also, since you like the Santana so much, I thought I'd let you know that I'm kind of kicking around an accompanying fic, that tells this same story from Santana's POV instead of Quinn's. I do had a lot of thoughts about what what going on in there, but I only felt up to being in one person's head at a time. Quinn's was the one that came to me, so that's how this story got told. But I might try to put together Santana's side if I can.
I personally would love to see an accompianment to this. You really did such a wonderful job of getting into Quinn's head, and having her reactions stay true to her character. Her reflections on how differently she felt the previous year to this year show just how much she has changed. While she was affected by the vote, she still seems manages to control her emotions -- which made Santana's reaction stand out in even greater contrast. By choosing to have a single POV, you managed to give great insight into multiple characters. To do the same thing again, only swapping POVs? Oh, I'm IN.
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