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Glee/Dark Angel - Kurt/Alec - Any Kink duochan_maxwell July 4 2011, 20:19:58 UTC
X-posting from kinkmeme, since it gave me an idea for a fic (which is not a fill to the prompt below):

"After the little flood of Glee/Supernatural crossovers I stumbled upon, this came to me...

Want a Glee/Dark Angel crossover, with Kurt paired with Alec (X5-494), any kink except vore, gore, scat and death.

Bonus points for boosting LOLfactor with a quarrel between Puck and Alec for the title of head manwhore =P"


Re: Glee/Dark Angel - Kurt/Alec - Any Kink kyra5972 July 5 2011, 07:09:23 UTC
I think I might have to attempt this. I have this one line in my head for it, it's just a matter of figuring out everything that will go around it....


Fill! (Part 1/2) kyra5972 July 9 2011, 02:06:26 UTC
Okay, for this everything in Dark Angel is being moved back by 10 years so that things match up, meaning that the Pulse happened in '99 instead of '09. I'm also pretending that the Pulse was localized to the northwest part of the country and that by the time this takes place, things have pretty much gone back to how they were pre-Pulse.

Kurt couldn’t believe he was doing this. This really wasn’t like him; not at all. He hadn’t even done this with Blaine when they’d been dating. Well, okay, he’d done this, the making out, with Blaine. But what he knew was coming after the making out; that he hadn’t done with Blaine. Not because he hadn’t wanted to, but because Blaine, in some misguided attempt to be chivalrous or non-pressuring, or…something, had always stopped him any time he tried to move past making out. Even when Kurt had made it very obvious that he wanted more, Blaine’s response had always been that he didn’t want to pressure Kurt into anything. Apparently, his now ex-boyfriend had forgotten that Kurt was in fact a ( ... )


Fill! (Part 2/2) kyra5972 July 9 2011, 02:08:40 UTC
Kurt gasped and arched against Alec as the older boy licked and nipped his way down Kurt’s chest, slowly sliding down his body as he went. Moments later, he let out a loud moan as he felt Alec’s hand brush against his erection as he undid the button and lowered the zipper before pushing both jeans and underwear down over his hips and down his legs ( ... )


Re: Fill! (Part 2/2) joyful July 9 2011, 02:10:16 UTC


Re: Fill! (Part 2/2) kyra5972 July 9 2011, 02:17:04 UTC


Re: Fill! (Part 2/2) musicfan612360 July 9 2011, 03:18:34 UTC
I loved this but i didn't know what Dark Angel was so I looked it up and found out Jensen Ackles portrayed Alec. The reading experience got just so much better and now I have to go learn more about this series. Thank you :)


Re: Fill! (Part 2/2) kyra5972 July 10 2011, 01:36:16 UTC
Oh, yes! You must watch Dark Angel! Its AWESOME!!! Jensen Ackles is all kinds of yummy in it, though sadly he's only in one episode in Season 1, but he's in all of Season 2. :)

I'm glad you liked this. :)


Re: Fill! (Part 2/2) caliena July 9 2011, 07:31:20 UTC
Oh my god, this is awesome :D
Alec just needed to brag a bit, didn't he?
So in character :D


Re: Fill! (Part 2/2) kyra5972 July 10 2011, 01:37:21 UTC
*grins* Thanks!
Of course Alec needed to brag, he wouldn't be Alec if he didn't, lol!


Re: Fill! (Part 2/2) duochan_maxwell July 9 2011, 15:06:10 UTC
ILU. Seriously.

Alec's line about his X-5 abilities (and how they were put to good use) was THE BEST EVER.


Re: Fill! (Part 2/2) kyra5972 July 10 2011, 01:38:40 UTC
*grins* Thanks! Alec's line about his abilities was actually the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the prompt and I just had to fill this because of it.


Re: Fill! (Part 2/2) duochan_maxwell July 10 2011, 02:54:30 UTC
Figured =D Because it was so IC and I laughed so hard when I read that. I kept picturing Jensen Ackles saying something like that with Alec's smug grin plastered on his face =D


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