So you have a wrong link here. The one that says "[info]tigriswolf fills Anon's Finn only has a second to save Kurt from getting hit by a car. In that second, he shouts, and ends up feeling like he was a coward afterwards prompt with 1/1" leads to a story on the kink meme. Not that I minded... was a great story, but figured you might want to correct that. :D
The link for this doesn't actually lead to a fill: jinchiue fills Anon's Kurt meets Blaine's parents whom, are not as Blaine exaggerates but rather decent people trying to raise a son who is hard on them prompt with 1/1
It looks like this fill has been deleted: jinchiue fills Anon's Finn walks on Kurt and Dave having completely consenual sex, but interprets it as rape. Dave denies this, but Kurt is too ashamed to jump to his defence prompt with 1/1
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